what do i know? i'm just a dumb guinea. i ' m out of bounds. stopl this-- look-- this is out of bounds 1 they tackle him anyway. grab his legs till he topples in a laughing heap. maggie pistone, a pretty, strong-willed blonde in her 30s, emerges at th e f ront do or. sm ile s at th e s cen e. then fr own s a s s he r eal ize s-- cut tor w hat am i s upposed t o do? terr y - tackles like her mother. roughing the passer. i got some good news today. we're going back to jerse y. th e kids can see their grandparents. plus it' s gs-13. that's two thousand more. nothing. this is different. it' s u ndercover. undercover. you know, undercover. it's a good opportunit y. an fbi wife doesn't ask, maggie. i want you to say, 'it's okay'. 'it's great'. don't you understand? i b uy a brooks brothers suit but th ere's al ways a button that comes off or a stain that won't come out ---it's li ke the suit knows i don't belong in it. i sit in a room w ith clarence and the rest of them and the only way i know something's funny is when everyone else laughs. everything, all day, it' s just this much off. i could be a fucking ph.d. from ha r vard and it wouldn't matter-- i cannot win. to do something th at's never been done, that they sa y can't be done, that they ca n't do-- don't you see? that's th e only way i'm ever gonna fit in with them. on my terms. you're in for a big ad venture.'