it's going down tonight. a reliable wire. there's going to be a war between sonny red and sonny black--it's all over the streets. even if it's not tonight--and i ' m not saying it's not tonight--it could still be tonight because it could be any night. heyl i'm a mormon 1 it's been five years. i am so sick of your superior new y or k a tt it ud e-- you're going to risk a man's life just to make cases. eight o'clock tonight. i would love to know how you sold them on this. we've had our best guys on this s ince, wha t, va lachi ? twe nty years? what does that tell you? you know what these people are l ike. they 're a ll ma rried to each other's cousin. it's a wild goose chase. i'm saying this as a friend. don't talk that way, joe. because, you know, you are just a dumb guinea. laughter from the group. joe doesn't know whether to join in or punch somebody. jules hands him a large beribboned box. if you already have one, you can return it. the surveillance is in place at the church hall. cut to: they're gonna put in one of our guys as a busboy tonight. i don't know. there's a 209 that says sonny black might get hit tonight. and joe would get hit as one of his crew. we should pull him out, is what we should do. the hit's going down tonight. he can't stay undercover forever. if it's not now, it's next week. or next month. we just found him. now you want to unfind him? tonight maybe it's a false alarm. so tomorrow night he gets killed. o r he kill s somebody --did you ever think of that? he's never been wrong before, he said the hit's going down tonight at the. wedding. a hit . there's a war bet ween sonny red and s onny black -- they're both at the wedding--i in ter pola ted th at-- he's close to guys who are close to the guys in sonny black's, crew. he's very reliable. what? i just assumed---