you can't say to me a lincoln is better than a cadillac. geddadaheah. geddadaheah before you make me mad. i ain't mad at him. i'm mad at his stupidity. a in't no c ompar ison. cadi llac got more acceleration, more power, more-- better handling, better looking, more legroom for yo ur legs , m ore po wer -- said what? be got me so fucking aggravated, boobie, i forgot what i said. longer what? you know something, nicky, you don't make no fucking sense sometimes. ain't the question all things being equal. one's a cadillac and one's a lincoln. why're you asking him? why don't you ask me? that's right. and i told you there's no comparison. who's that? jilly four eyes? he's a jewel guy? he knows jewels? ain't the question, i got a thing. i ' m saying, if i had a thing, he could lay it off? you don the jeweler? donnie looks up to the bartender. the bartender nods. lefty reaches in his pocket, produces that's a beauty, eh? that's some beautiful thing. donnie looks it over. gives it to lefty. yeah. louise. he returns the diamond to lefty. are you for real? i'm asking if you want to middle a diamond here. all i want for my end's eight thousand. how can you say it's a fugazy? you looked at it two seconds. i ' m a dunsky? let me tell you something, my friend--do you know who you're talking to? the bartender, scared--he knows what lefty's capable of. quickly mixes a spritzer. my family, my children--my mother can hold her head up in any neighborhood in the city when she walks down the clock. in all the five boroughs i'm known, fuggedaboudit--i'm known all over the world. you ask around--ask anybody about lefty from mulberry street. fugazy. fugazy my fucking ass. cut to: this's a fake? because that's what i'm thinking. i thought it was a fake, it's a good fake, though, ain't it. tha t's w hat i'm s aying . i thought it was a fake. that's what i thought. lefty takes the fugazy back. pockets it. cut to: he's okay? where's he from? phone ' '. cali for nia . h e's a j ewe l g uy. where california? l.a.? jilly--he's a stand-up guy, jilly? nice car. go to 46th and 1st, i gotta make a collection. man oh man, i gotta school you, my friend. di'n't jilly school you? the smoke is thick now. donnie powers down his window. donnie. put your window up, donnie. i ' m gonna catch a draft. donnie powers his window back up. a non-wiseguy never asks a wiseguy a question. a non- wiseguy don't even talk to a wiseguy unless the wiseguy talks to him first. capeesh? you don't raise your hands to a wiseguy. you don't mess with his wome.n---wife or girlfriend or daughter. just keep your mout h shut--don't put business on the street. cocksuckerj motherfucker cutting you off. you gotta have rules. otherwise, what are w e? we're like anima ls. he leans over. viciously honks the horn again. resumes with one eye on the cab. wiseguy has a bag, you pick up the bag. wiseguy runs a tab, you pick u p the tab . wiseguy is always right-- even if he's wrong he's r ight. all the way u p the l ine. conne cted guy to wiseguy to skipper to boss. what? ain't nothing like the army. the army, it's some guy you don't know sends you to whack out some other guy you don't know. the army's a jerkoff outfit. ain't the question, donnie. you see, that's why i gotta school you. because otherwise you get everything upside down. you got a girl? donnie, catch up with that cocksucker. he cut you off again, that fucking--the cabl that one! do nn ie -- donnie speeds up, chases the cab. lefty opens the glove compartment. hits a button and the trunk pops open. what's fucking wrong with you? hah ? the re's no fu ckin g etiquette of the road with you? the cabbie flips a "fuck you" signal with his middle finger. rolls up his window. lefty . , fuck wh o? fuc k m e? these fucking guys. they come to this country, they flaunt the r ules of t he road. t hey give the 'fuck you' sign to a man in the . street. . . fucking sand nigger. i will never fucking understand it. why is it always the guy who drives a car for a living is the worst fucking driver there is? cut to: i just want what's owed. don nie--w hy'd you pay f or th at drink? wiseguy never pays for a drink. always on the arm. you scared that guy, though, manag gia-- that cracks me up. i got 26 fucking hits under my belt and you're the one he's scared of. lefty catches himself--shouldn't have said that about the hits. broods a beat. hey, donnie, pull over. cut to: hand me them pliers. fuggedaboudit. i'll get it myself. he leans out. takes the pliers. goes back to work dismantling the dashboard. you didn't hear that? that rattling? give me a hand with this. lefty and donni e pull off the dashb oard. lef ty looks i nside. fe els around. it's clean. i ain't saying nothing, donnie. did i say that? you can't be too careful these day s. even the ears have ears. c'm on. they need some bodies on the street down at toyland. cut to: nicky. this's donnie. how'd minx's magic do in the fifth? r, .- how could he lose? fucki now i gotta bet another dime sunday just to get to where , . i was yesterday. fucking sonny red. sonny red stops, confronts lefty. this's donnie, a friend of mine. yeah, he does look dangerous, don't he? bruno snorts in disgust as he and his father move along. sonny red, everything's a beef with him, him and bruno, that son of his. ah, he's a stone degenerate, he's coked-up half the time. like all these fucking kdds nowadays. a h uge l incol n pu lls u p. bo dygua rds j ump out o f th e car. and carmine "lilo" galante, 69, fat and bald, huge cigar , emerges from the lincoln. awestruck, all watch as, surrounded by wiseguys, galante disappears into the club. lefty watches. st ubs out his cigare tte. turn s to donni e. the boss. cut to: that's a good business, jewels? good money in it? you keep your nose clean, be a good earner, listen to what i s chool you -- there ai n't a crystal ball big enough for what we could do. they got everything in this fucking city. in queens? the palisades is jersey, donnie. i love these fucking pigeons. i ' d die before i ' d let anybody touch these pigeons. _ do nn ie those falcons could read a newspaper from a mile up. a bird could read the newspaper? hey, donnie--you got a couple hundred, donnie? i got some things i gotta take care of. donnie reaches in his wallet. whaddaya got there, three hundred? gimme three hundred. donnie hands over the $300--empties his wallet. lefty takes it, folds it ito a roll. puts the hundred on the outside. don't be carrying your money in a wallet no more. wiseguy got his money in a roll, like this. beaner on the outside. i'm not the boss, donnie. the boss ends up dead or in jail. why the fuck would i want to be the boss? and shave off that moustache. that's against the rules. do i gotta school you in everything? tomorrow's mother's day. wiseguys don't work on mother's day. cut to: hello? where you been, donnie? you gotta check in. fuggedaboudit. you better fucking get down here. clickl and a dial tone. cut to: the b oss gets w hacked. t he fucking boss--you don't even know the fucking boss exists until he gets whacked, and then your whole fucking life gets turned around. brooklyn. i got sent for. the boss gets whacked. another thing i get left out of. what do you think it means? i got sent for by sonny black. i'm telling you, i'm sick with this. did i say sonny red? not sonny red. sonny black. and don't ride the brake, that fucking sonny black. i know him. he gets upped to skipper, first thing he's gonna do is go out and buy a big fucking mercedes. it's his reward for whacking the boss. do i have to explain every fucking thing to you? if you ever whacked a guy, donnie, you wouldn't ask such stupid questions. when? an argument don't count. an argument--you whack your wife in an argument. ain't the question. don't say you know when you don't know. i got sent for, donnie. with this thing, you go in alive and you come out d ead. and t he o ne th at kills you is your best fucking friend. lefty lights another cigarette. donnie powers the window down a cra ck. l efty glar es at him. donn ie p owers the windo w bac k up . anything happens, make sure louise gets the cadillac. cut to: it's okay. he's a friend of mine. lefty glares at donnie--accuses him with his eyes: who told you to come in here? donnie sits down--something in the placid atmosphere that tells him: this is how it happens. nicky peers over as boobie writes on the scorepad. what the fuck did i tell you? sonny unlocks the car. just checking my part. sonny, what is this? we glomming something? sonny opens the door. christ. i think i shit my pants. get the fuck outta here. that's why you sent for me? jesus christ--shaddup already! forty hamburgers. cut to: thirty years, there ever was a piece of work t o be done-- call lef ty --i ne ve r c om pla in ed . b ut do i get upped? they passed me by. sonny black gets upped. i don't get fucking upped. sonny black has four broads don't add up t o lo uise. you got a girl? that's a good thing. one broad's enough. she's a good woman, louise. my son tommy, she's more of a mother to him than my ex- wife, that bitch, my own fucking son's a junkie, you believe it? believe me, i got bruises on my h an ds . my d au gh te r, j an e t-- 28 years old, she ain't married. my daughter francine, she's out in california. she ain't married. i'm telling you, donnie, i gotta worry 24 h ours a day . a woman like louise, i can't do right by her--l ain't got three bucks in my pocket. i got can cer of th e r ick. my ex -wife, sh e still eives in the building. i see her on the stairs, i gotta have three spritzers just to calm down. cancer of the prick. oh, yeah, you didn't know that? fuggedaboudit. i ' m in the medical books with that. i ain't a mutt--30 years busting m y hump, f or what? s onny black they up to skip per. do i get upped? i ' m like claude rains-- i ' m the invisible fucking man. ain't the question, donnie. did i say i was gonna get whacked? don't say you know when you don't know, donnie. you d o n ' t know. fuggg edabq udit. you know what the vig is on that? that fucking blackstein is gonna have the arm on me every fucking week. i'll tell you something--i went in front of all the skippers, sonny red and philly lucky and all of them. i went on the record with you. you know what that means? you don't? you got no fucking idea, my friend. i ' m your man now--jesus christ can't touch you because i represent you. i got louise and i got you. they toss hamburgers to the lion, the white castle beside them, lit bright against the bleak urban landscape. cut to: that'll teach you to improve your penmanship. lefty lays a parking meter out on a card table. picks up a sled< how else'm i gonna open it? open sesame? ain't the question. a score's a score. let him move them to new york. for your information they got their own outfit down there and their own boss. thank you. donnie? why'd you inject that, donnie, with florida? you injected that. don't tell me no. i know you, donnie, you don't say nothing unless there's a reason for it. listen to me, d onnie. i s wear on-- i don't know which to swear on, my dead father, my mother, who i love, my children--i swear to you, something's going on that you don't know about. that's the problem is, you don't ko. ' . : ' " . - ' nw you think you can trust sonny black? sonny black is one big fat fucking snake in the, uh, uh. you can't say that, donnie. sonny black is the skipper. you don't open your mouth about 'him. ain't the question. now you're r espon sibl e for this . and because i represent you i ' m responsible -- for the whole fucking magilla fucking gorilla i ' m responsible. . i die wit'cha, you understand? you walk on a chalk fucking line, don nie. i got two gren ades at home-- i ' d blow up mulberry street, you did something wrong. what kind of name is that, 'calvino'? you gonna put any money in this? wait here. i hate neapolitans. you vouch for this guy, donnie? what kind of man begrudges his wife? you imagine--we have our own joint down here? i just gotta sit down with the man down here. fuggedaboudit. all over the world i ' m known. like a yacht. we gotta take him out on a yacht, have a drink, relax, then he knows these are men of men he's dealing with. get that boat, donnie. stay away from the broad. calvino joins them. don't equate louise with them broads, sonny. i bring louise when you bring your wives. who? geddaddaheah, nicky--whipping themselves. i never heard of that. how come you're asking him? how come you don't ask me? that's right. i never heard of such a fucking thing. nicky, why'd i wanna go to iran? don't tell me where i go and don't go. yeah. ' i ain't got three dollars in my pocket, nicky, i'm gonna go to iran? i ' m taking care of it. i gotta reach out--in a month i'll come back and sit down with the man. fuggedaboudit, sonny, all over the world i ' m known. five grand for that bucket for one day? i listen to my prick. how can you say five grand? what the fuck is he up to? cut to: where's that fucking redcap? now listen to me, fred--you listening to me? just get that club fixed up. anybody says anything, you just tell them to have their people get in touch with your people in new yorjc. hollman drops his bags--in line behind our guys. his wife fishes ir her pocketbook for the tickets. . . mulberry street. ask for lefty. when we come back down, we'll sit down with who's who and straighten everything out. send the tickets for me and donnie. we'll come back down in a month. sonny--lookit what the name is. that's like my name. sonny looks at the stern. emblazoned across it: "the left hand" that's hand-built in taiwan, that boat. fuggedaboudit. there's one thing i know, it's boats. this'8 gotta be a million dollars, this boat. g o ah e ad . g et co m fo rt a bl e . i' m gonna wait for the man. sonny and the others head toward the boat. lefty turns to donnie. can y ou im agine this ? i' m gon na sit down with the boss . rem ember that day when we were freezing our nuts off, watching all of them going to sit down with the boss? < in new york i never sat down with t he boss in my life. this was a great idea i had, florida. that's him. that's trafficante. lefty jogs up the dock as steve disalvo, 40s, trafficante's enforcer, emerges from the lincoln. nice to meet you, mr. trafficante. that's the boat i arranged for you, mr. t raffi cante . we got a full bar, every kind of music, telephone, everythin g. you wa nt anything-- anything you want--you just ask lefty. trafficante peers down the dock through thick prescription some broad down here he used to know, it belongs to her brother. if donnie had a dollar for every broad of all his broads, he could buy the fucking boat himself. he uses them broads like kleenex. he won't spend a dollar to take a lady out. boobie drinks, takes a beat. i'm telling you, it's good to be back in new york. that fucking florida baked everybody's brain. when sonny gets out of the fucking sun he's gonna realize what a miserable fucking idea you had. do i know? i never saw so many old people in my life. who the fuck wants to go to florida? sometimes you are one stupid cocksucker, donnie. donnie flares at the word "cocksucker." : donnie--that's my bag, donnie. don nie -- you get that fucking bag. pick it up. pick up the fucking bag. don't think you got the wood over m y ey es, d onnie . i w atch you ' siding up to sonny black. now you're on your fucking high horses. donnie--that's the other one! for your information i'll call you whatever the fuck i want. i call you cocksucker. i call you motherfucker. i call you, uh, uh. other passengers start to clear them a wide berth. fuck. my fucking knife's in the bag. lefty's chases after the suitcase. you pick up that bag, donnie. you can't call me cocksucker, donnie. you pick it up. you pick up that bag, donnie. cut to: did donnie call today? shut up, louise. christ, sonny--what'd you eat for lunch? he was holding out on him. fucking coke deal boobie was running down in florida. do i still gotta school you after w hatever fu cking yea rs? that's the worst thing you could do to a m an li ke so nny black . you could pull his cock before you could take a dollar out of his pocket. who? -. ' why the fuck are you asking so many fucking questions, donnie? ain't nobody gonna give you a pass no more, donnie. you walk on a chalk fucking line from now on. ain't the question. ain't the question, donnie. lefty finishes his spritzer. gets up to make another. i don't know what made you think i'd give you up. i had too many fucking disappointments in my l ife. neve r in the f ucking en d of the earth will i give you up. cut to: bennie loves animals. mino*1 you see that ? we're going out, louise. louise exits inside. satisfied, lefty snaps off the show with his remote control. turns to donnie. t hey found bruno. he 's shacki ng up with a broad down city island. on a boat. h e ope ns u p a d rawer . tak es ou t a gun. loads it w ith b ulle ts. he'll show. we can't pop him tomorrow night, for your information. tomorrow night we got the wake for big trin. fuggedaboudit--it's better this way anyway. wait when nobody's around. fuggedaboudit. there's one thing i know, it's boats. donn ie--wh ere*d you ge t that boat dow n i n fl orid a? donnib" i told you. that was this girl i used to see down there, it's her brother's. what's her name? florence what? florence what, donnie? don nie--why do you want to lie to me, d onnie? did i ever li e to you once all these years about the time of day? how many fucking times did i have you over for dinner at my fucking h ous e? y ou f uck ing rat b ast ard -- i went on the fucking record with you, d onnie. yo u could wa lk on the street and punch any man in the mouth because i stood up for you. ' . ,, . . that's a fucking federal boat, donnie. that's our boat. don't tell me that ain't the same boat, donn ie1 that' s a fuckin g federal boatl that's a taiwan- made boat, there's only, five like that in the world. lookit that. you see that? 'the lefthand.' that's like my name. ain't the quest ion, donni e. you still ain't answered me why we're fucking on a fucking federal fucking boat! you're a rat? donnie--did i say you was a rat, donnie? you fucking laxed, donnie. don't get on your high horses. how the fuck am i supposed to explain this to sonny? where is the joke, donnie? you got so many black marks on you now, donnie, a fucking einstein couldn't count them. that time with the luggage and. uh, uh. the other time. i ain't no fucking mutt, donnie. donnie checks the action on his gun. i die wit'cha. i ' m your best friend, donnie. donnie opens the door, climbs out. gun in hand. donnie, don't say nothing. don't say nothing to them. donnie, don't say nothing! cut to: hello? yeah, okay, n ic ky . o k ay . he han gs up. th inks a bea t . as he l ooks into his open grave. t akes off his gold watch, sticks it in a drawer. then the cross he wears a roun d his neck . the keys to his c adill ac. c loses the draw er as louise enters. n icky. i'm going out . he gives louise a kiss. don't wait up for me. e i n o d c a l s , e t l h i m i f i t w s a n o g a b e a y o e n , i 'm d a g l t i s a w 116: 16, 50, 62. 61 c o n t i n ue d : nicky you grab her by those big fuc kin g e ars -- uproarious laughter from the group. then suddenly-- 64 continued: continued: ' 66 continued: . 66 continued: 90, : 9. 100, 108, 110, 124,