it's the better automobile, no question. head and shoulders. i' 11 tell you one thing--the lincoln is longer. longer. like longer. in inches. it's a longer car. you got two cars. one's longer. all things being equal, the longer car is the one gonna get there first. the one's longer gets there first. that's scientific fact. what's better, a lincoln or a cadillac? i ' m asking him. i asked you already. fugged aboudit. mercedes? that's a jewish car. they didn't get it enough from the germans in the war-- now they gotta be robbed by them. ju dy app roac hes --th e w ait ress , e arl y 2 0s. new to th e j ob. son ny takes her hand, kisses it. don. don the jeweler. jilly brought him around. not jilly four eyes. you know, jilly. from queens jilly. what--you got a thing to lay off? whaddayou got to lay off? we could be cops. laughter all around. lefty steals another look at donnie as he sits placidly drinking his coffee. cut to: 'love on the rocks, ain't no surprise.' looklt this hand. this ain't a hand. this's a deformed fucking creature of the black lagoon fucking claw. left. 'love on the rocks, ain't no surprise.' ming'1 i knew you was gonna grab that! lefty, white with fear, sits down with his back to the wall. 'love on the rocks, ain't no surprise.' gin. geddadaheah, that's gin. whaddaya mean i got two sevens? i know i had three sevens. you giving me credit for that? boobie slides him the scorepad. i don't know how. i ' m a natural. h ey, sonny --can' t you driv e an y faster? i got a date tonight out in jersey. this is the one from the calendar. remember that calendar i show ed you? m iss pennzo il air filter of 1976. sonny and boobie mime holding two big breasts. that's the one. lefty, nervous, pulls down the sun visor. looks at boobie in the mirror. that was something about the boss, wasn't it? 'love on the rocks, ain't no surprise.' what a pisserl va'n'aool'. all over everything1 l efty--how'm i gonna read this? sixty cents apiece. i think it's 60. is it 60? bullshit, boobie. who you gonna lay off 18 cases of sunglasses to? all the economy's moving down there, florida, 'cause of the oil crisis. i heard it on the news. hey, sonny, maybe we could do something with disneyworld down t here. wis eguy mount ain. wiseguys of the caribbean. everybody fucks minnie mouse up t he a ss. c an yo u ima gine? what happened? ever since they got rid of the death penalty, the whole fucking society's going down the tubes. like i ' m watching the news last n ig h t-- i'm watching the news last night. i'm lying there in bed and i see thes e guys from iran, and these guys are whipping themselves. iranians. you imagine? they whip themselves, with whips. donnie, am i right? that's what they oughtta do. send over a bunch of wiseguys. put a gun in your pocket, straighten them right out. i ' m saying you gotta be strong with these people. we didn't have these problems with nixon. and there was law and order in the streets. donnie watches as the group offers a unanimous amen with their eyes. fuggedaboudit. you are not known in iran. and another freeze frame. boobie gets up, dives in the pool zzzzh! and another freeze frame. zzzzh! cut to: left, that's some fucking boat. my wife says it's very in, japanese. she heard it on john gambling. very big now. the maitre d' stops them. that's part of the thing of it, donnie. you take off your shoes and sit on the floor. i heard the zips went in with sonny red. you know how to keep score? a moment of recognition that the culliones on him, bluffing us like that. fuggedaboudit, philly. maybe they brainwashed him. like in that movie, with sinatra? z z zh ! a no t he r s ho t . z zz hl you didn't know him.