lefty, how you gonna be mad at nicky? what the fuck are you arguing about? mercedes got it all over both of them. angel, how about some pastries for the table? a little cannoli. svingi. zeppole. sfogliateli'. oh. then you gotta give me that kiss back. she giggles, kisses sonny on the cheek. what makes you think we're wiseguys? two hundred in action and we came out with 35. that" fucking boots- he runs that book like an old lady. that 's gonna c hange. who's this fucking guy? c'mon. let's go take a ride, you too. donnie and lefty share a look of fear. cut to: hey, left--ride up front with me. cut to: ain't this beautiful, the ride on this? which broad is this? hey, left, what'cha doing? ah, le ft--what a m i gonna do without you? what would you do without this guy, hah, kid? you'd have to find yourself a new goombah. lefty getting very nervous. we all gotta go sometime. after you. lefty walks into the darkness. a terrifying silence. then-- look, left, he likes you. the cub nuzzles and sniffs at lefty. that's for you, left. for your birthday. batter late than never. yeah, why? whaddayou think, you was gonna get whacked? lefty thought he's : gonna get whackedl what, over that 175 grand you owe down in little italy? don't worry, chooch. now you owe it to me. cut to: if you're holding out on me, boots, i'm gonna chop you up. it should be 25. you ever off that load of sunglasses? boobie nods, gives thumbs up. will you stop it with that? what are you gonna get out of that, left? fifty bucks? you know, you guys--you don't fucking think. i'm the skipper now-- i gotta answer. sonny red's got 75 million alone }ust with that trucking company out in jersey and i got fifty bucks of fucking dimes. you're like a bunch of fucking niggers on welfare. where in florida? the beach? you think this is a fucking joke? hah? one day i ' m gonna die, and i ' m gonna be in this same fucking room, with these same fucking guys, talking about these same fucking scams that never amount to anything, and that's how i'll know i got sent to fucking hell. sonny storms out. the guys sit, look at each other. some dazed. some calculating. boobie picks up the toppled table. i can't even imagine it. what kind of people--in broad fucking dayli ght-- what kind of a worl d-- they stole the mercedes. cut to: broad daylight. i still can't get over it. you have to ask yourself-- what kind of people? they take a mercedes--a man's private property, they take it right off the street. i don't know what the world's coming to. i honestly don't. hey, lefty, why didn't you bring louise? hey, judy--come over here and give everybody a blow job. judy gives him the finger. sonny smiles, turns to the others. isn't she spunky? lot of broads into that. you see how smart he's getting, donnie, reading that paper? everything check out with the club? the man down here says okay? he knows who you are? zzzzh! the whir of an autowinder and a black-and-white freeze frame, left, you wanna take care of the bags? we'll be in the lounge. sonny heads inside with nicky and boobie. lefty looks around. cozz'. that's beautiful. judy gives lefty a kiss. he blushes. that's some fucking irony, ain't .it? you can live your life like a man d own here. i bet if you took m y blood pressure right now it'd be down o ne hundre d per cent . sonny red's got jersey and we got florida, and florida's better this is a great idea i had, florida. fuggedaboudit. what lefty don't understand is guys like trafficante, their day is done. lik e wit h jea ns, who h ad th e idea with ^eans and now look how much money they're making? lefty's a dynamite-guy, no q uesti on. but y ou kn ow, t he thing with him is. . . he's trying to help you but he hurts you. he gets those two or three wines in him. the books open up in december, i'm gonna propose you. you know < what that means? what i'm saying is this. you don't have to report to lefty no more. from now on you can report to me. when you come back, you represent me in florida. he snaps it off. hides it back in his cowboy boot. cut to: donnie--i ' m hungry and i ain't in the mood. take off your fucking shoes or i ' m gonna chop off your fucking legs. i wanna fucking eat, donnie. what kind of a fucking table is this? we're in fucking siberia with this table. yeah, you know--take the sun. i didn't want to come back. they're very friendly down there, the people. sonny red pinches sonny's cheek. i gotta go to the john. sonny gets up. all the guys get up with him. follow sonny to the john. judy. the guys laugh. then flinch as the door opens. . . hands at their guns. you go hom e with ir ene. we're going out bouncing. c'mon. we'll take your car. donnie--ride with us. nicky and lefty climb into lefty's cadillac. sonny, boobie and donnxe approache boobie's cadillac. donnie reaches for the back door. why don't you sit in front? a sudden chord of terror plays up donnie's spine. donnie looks to lefty for help. for some indication. . . but his eyes are dead. they all climb in boobie's cadillac. hey, boob, remember how we used to run around here, when we was kids? we used to have running races. . . oh, yeah? pull over. pull over. we're gonna see whose day is done. c'mon, donnie. you do the on the marks. boobie pulls over. they pile out of the car. cut to: okay. we're running to the fountain. you remember the fountain? donnie--you do the 'on your marks'. fucking son of a bitch! donnie, get 'iml boobie staggers, bleeding from three wounds now. . .running toward his car. donnie runs toward him. . the crunch of wet grass. pull his car around, i think he has a bag in the trunk. cut to: donnie, pull up a chair. donnie takes a last look at the tv. joins sonny, nicky and lefty at the card table as nicky shuffles the cards. you believe that fucking guy? there's no fucking way donnae could be an agent. no way he could be an agent. that boat was a set-up. then we think donnie's a rat and we get scared and fuggedaboudit. you're talking through your ass. you didn't know donnie, philly.