no music, no doors. let's roll. is everybody in?. is everybody in?. is everybody in? the ceremony is about to begin. wake up!!!! has this dream stopped!!!! hi. waste of time. i followed you. from the beach. cause. you're the one. later. you got a name? mine's jim. jim and pam, pam and jim. i quit. you know what i think? you really want to know what i think? i think we gotta get really ripped! you know what i'd like to do to you? you really want to know what i'd like to do to you? wanna hear the scream of the butterfly. can we have a couple of beers. you're not even an asshole man -- you're a semihole. she came to my room she came on my floor she came on my bed she came on my face ooooooh i want to wrap your legs around my head baby baby and her name was gloria ha ha ha ha ha! come on, let's drive freedom!!! don't you know you're all slaves! death old friend!! come on, come out for a walk, it's a pretty night. can i stay with you tonight? we could talk 'till dawn. i just don't want to be alone. okay. i promise. i bet you never expected life could be this hard. and you're still so young. i wonder where we'll be ten years from now? come on. he's the medicine man who starts in a peyote trance. and he gets everyone in the tribe going and they share in his vision and it heals them. it's the same in all cultures -- greeks, jesus. some indians say the first shaman invented sex. he's the one who makes you crazy. uh no. i just write about it. what turns you on? is it? i don't know. i think you're alive by confronting death -- by experiencing pain. it's only thru death that you know life. jesus, medicine men heal people by sacrificing their own life. i think life hurts a lot more than death. when you die the pain is over. i bet your dad's a school teacher. i don't know. military yeah, about 8 times. two. ". but one, the most beautiful one of all dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug" i wrote it for you. hey ray, try acid man, it's guaranteed. i never had a bummer on acid. whatever works. making movies at mgm yet? we gotta take the planet back, reinvent the gods, make new myths. never got there. went out to the desert and uh. got lost y'know. days. i been living on trick's rooftop. got stuck on this chick. writing. poems. songs. i can't sing. let's swim to the moon un hunh let's climb thru the tide penetrate the evening that the city sleeps to hide let's swim out tonight love it's our turn to try parked beside the ocean on our moonlight drive could you write the music for that down, if we went over to your place, could you write that on your organ? a bunch. it's like i'm taking notes at a rock concert going on inside my head. i actually hear the music -- the spirit of the wine y'know, intoxication. be great wouldn't it? hey why not, i could write the songs with you guys. there oughta be great orgies man. like when dionysus arrived in greece, he made all the women mad, leaving their homes and dancing off in the mountains. great golden copulations in the streets of la. hey, do you know her? i got a name. the doors. "the doors of perception"? acid. it's from william blake actually, the line -- "when the doors of perception are cleansed -- things will appear as they truly are" so where do we start? how do we start? where are the girls? let's try it again, come on. i'm just getting into it. then you write one man! we need more songs anyway. we all gotta go back and write. got any more lyrics? don't underestimate death. "no time to wallow in the mire try now we can only lose and our love become a funeral pyre come on baby light my fire" pretty good! pretty neat!! aren't we? that was great robbie. whaddaya thinking about when you play? hey whadya say we take some of that tijuana acid and see what kinda trouble we can get into tonight? then we'll start a religion or plan a murder or go to tijuana. why you wanna sleep with her john, just to bug me? means "hell yes". she likes you man, she really does and y'all should. what's a rock and roll band for man, if you can't party all night and do bad things? i found an island in your arms a country in your eyes arms that chained us, eyes that lied the greater the suffering, the more terrible the events, the greater the pleasure jerry. they want it, it's catharsis. like the ancient greeks. but they understand jerry. all our real desires are unconscious and unseen. . . you love us? ah, twenty one. i like a man wears his soul on his face. jesus ray, every girl out there wanted to fuck me, i could feel it for the first time! guys, i'm serious about the desert, we still gotta deepen man, we gotta take some peyote -- all of us together, we got one more stage to go. are you satisfied? it's not acid john, it's peyote. it's a bonding ceremony. it's got to be more. more. more. who's on now? yeah, arthur lee's cool. you mean the marx brothers of music, we could blow 'em away. the doors. we're up the street at the fog. oh yeah what would you do for money? well i don't know. what's your name? caprice? that's the dumbest name i ever heard. hey! i am the lizard king. i can do anything! raise your hands if you understand! alive, any of you alive -- let's take a poll -- how many of you know you're really alive!! no one? raise your hands c'mon man. let's go. everybody having a good time? awright, pretty good, it gets better. woa!! it's fast. when the serpent appears, his head is ten feet long and five feet wide. he has one red eye and one green eye. he's deadly and he's seven miles long. as he moves -- on his scales is written all the history of the world, all people, all actions, all of us our little pictures on the scales, god it's big! -- and it's eating as it moves all the time, devouring, digesting consciousness, power, a monster of energy! we must kiss the snake on the tongue, if it senses our fear, it will eat us instantly. but if we kiss it without fear, the snake will take us through the garden and out the gate. to our freedom -we must ride this snake. to the end of time. you're fucked up john. go with it, confusion is the sound of creation. no no no john john. god is crazy too. god is part insane as well as sane. not in control all the time. dionysus was the god of the wine. he made ecstasy but he also made madness. madness is all right. that's what you want, isn't it, isn't it? where's that joint? die robbie. i love you. pain makes me feel more alive ray. pain is meant to wake us up. people try to hide their pain but they're wrong. pam wants you. you're a good catholic john, you want it so you can feel guilty about it. fuck death away john. maybe you should kill your father robbie. he tried to kill you. kill him! but you're alive! it's beautiful! fear, pain, lust, we've got to know all our feelings before we can come out the other side free men. don't feel ashamed of yourselves, don't let society destroy your reality. our freedom's the only thing worth dying for, it's the only thing worth living for! then use us john, use our strength, it's us four now, a tribe of warriors, everything we have comes from the same source, the great creator of being. trust him, trust us. ride the snake. . . i promise you i will be with you till the end of time. my wild love went riding. mmmmmm. she rode all the day. she ride to the devil. and ask for him to pay. shooo shoooo she went to the desert she went to the sea joseph we did see. i'm lying to you. i am scared. i'll be back. i gotta go alone. the killer awoke before dawn he put his boots on he took a face from the ancient gallery and he walked on down the hall he went to the room where his sister lived and he paid a visit to his brother and then he went on down the hall. and he came to a door, and he looked inside "father?" "yes, son?" "i want to kill you". mother. i want to. come on baby take a chance with us and meet me in the back of the blue bus doona blue rog onna blue bus doona blue yeah! come on yeah! kill the father, fuck the mother, kill the father, fuck the mother -- that's what i'm into! that's what i'm into! you have the face of a pig man. hey, is that asshole gonna pay us? come on baby, light my fiiirrrreeee!!! pretty good! pretty neat! the time to hesitate is through no time to wallow in the mire. try now we can only lose and our love become a funeral pyre come on baby, light my fire try to set the night on fiiiiiiiiire!!!!! i don't mind dying in a plane crash, a smile on my face. i just don't want to go out slow -- brain tumor, botulism. i want to feel what it's like, cause death is only going to happen to you once. no wonder "light my fire's" number one. the biggest mistakes in my life have been haircuts. how 'bout, "girl you couldn't bite my wire". uh well, we're kind of a sullen group, ed. what -- are we the beatles now john? hey ray, why don't you change your name to sid or irving manzarek or something. it's only a word y'know. come on baby, light my fire try to set the night on fiiiirrrrre! i don't know. i guess i should see a doctor or something. maybe i should go to someone of the straight jungian philosophy. it's so scary up there. to be adored. isn't that irony? teenage death girls want my dick -- a mere clown -- not my words. i'll never wake up in a good mood again. lament for my cock, a tongue of knowledge deep in the feathered night, gives life, soar and crucify, i seek to know you. you should marry an insurance salesman. we weren't built to last. you really know what i am pam? you know what poetry is? where is the feast they promised us? where is the wine -- the new wine -- dying on the vine? y'see -- i lied to you. i really love fame. 'cause you're in the room. maybe you're the cause! i mean i don't have this problem with anybody else. no!!!!! mommy!!! get mad! yeahhh! love my girl! yeah, go fuck the other guys. how many white guys have you fucked pam? 10, 20? black guys what? you like chinese dicks? mongolian penis? 30? how could i do that ha ha ha!! will you die for me! then move to miami you slave!!! you were saying? will you die for me, pam, a clown, a despicable clown?. a mere despicable clown? i need a home. a place to hide. how could we make a home?. where there's sanctuary? we're in africa, we're just animals. i wanna stay inside you all night baby. let's fuck death away, now fuck death away. uh love death travel. revolt. we all write the songs, we're interested in anything about disorder, chaos, especially activity which seems to have no meaning. i think when you make peace with authority, you become authority. yeah you can call us erotic politicians i guess. a scapegoat maybe -- i take on the audiences' fantasies, obeying their impulses. when the impulses are destructive, i'm destructive. it's kinda like sucking the puss out of a rattlesnake, something like that. i guess when you say something like that, it's a shortcut to thinking. i guess they didn't understand. hey c'mon ray, hate should be allowed. i like that -- "boozy apocalyptic" -- you're a word man, but how does your newspaper influence young people to think about vietnam? who's sending the soldiers over there to die? the establishment -- right? your newspaper -- right? that seems to me a lot more dangerous than the stuff we do. did you know nietzsche said, "all good consciousness, all evidence of truth comes only from the senses"? hey you wanna arm wrestle? come on, you look pretty tough today. c'mon, i'll take you all on. part of the clown's wisdom -- it's kinda the american way. you know we spend more on alcohol and tobacco than on education. do you hurt? what hurts you the most? uh. got tired of the barbie doll look. it hurt. about? y'know when people are joking, i find they are dead serious and when they're dead serious, i find them funny. actually, i don't really remember being born. it musta happened during one of my blackouts. well, to be honest they're not living anymore so i don't like to talk about that. oh, it was a. horrible car crash. in the desert in the fifties, arizona. ran right into a truckload of indians. navajos, they were lying out on the road, all bleeding, and i was with my grandma and grandad, we were banged up and all. and i was looking at my dad and he was lying there. but his throat was severed and there was air coming out. y'all believe what you want to believe, you will anyway. but it does kinda show you what excites people? fear, pity, horror -- all those good things that count. it's sorta i guess like being on the edge of an orgasm, y'know. that mystery just before you come. when? if? should i? will you die for me, eat me, this way, the end. great! a new thing. wow how old is this? the craft? wow! you patricia? who would've guessed? what? where do you get the blood? no. i don't like. cutting myself. i'm gonna burn you down. nobody'd ever look at you again -- 'cept me. i'd scar you forever. awright! awright! mooooooo!!! where are the doors. we do everything together. i am the snake and you are the lute yeah. hey what's your trip? love your movies man. what a great penis. you can't leave. where's your will to be weird man? don't go, y'see norman mailer, i hear he's here? i don't know. did he know who you were? nah. later. i like outer space. vodka? race you. wanna go?. come on let's go. come on there's pussy robbie. don't you guys wanna meet andy warhol? come on man! i thought we were gonna be a band, the four of us -- and party all night, rock and roll! don't go. don't leave! you can't leave. i don't know what will happen. it might be death. nico! "lord byron"? really. you think? you like the poems? these are the kindest words i've ever heard in my life. no one has ever understood. thank you. maybe i should always fuck my critics. let's do it, here, now. with the sound of the crowd. like nuremberg, wild german fucking. i'm begging! i'm begging you! about what! what's your problem with fathers! they're dead, both of them, i told you. what'd he say? that was really stupid. why didn't you just ask me. you're a fuckin' cunt. you could ruin his career if. i don't want to talk about it. hate is a very underestimated emotion. you're wrong. what they want i can't give. my death -- ripped to pieces -- do you feel their power? i want to live, patricia. i don't wanna die. patricia. patricia. uh. nuthin' hey, i'm with the band man. it's cool. take it easy. hey, eat it man! mace! shit! why'd you blind me man? you blinded me! i wanna tell you 'bout something that happened just a few minutes ago right here in new haven. this is new haven isn't it? new haven, connecticut, united states of america? well i was with this girl backstage, y'know. we got to talking and we wanted some privacy, so we went into this shower stall. we weren't doin' anything y'know jes' standing there and talking. and then this little man came in there, this little man in a little blue suit and a little blue cap. and he said -- "whatcha doin' there?" i said, "nuthin'" and he said, "well you better get outta there or" "or what" i asked him. and he started pushing me and i pushed back and he didn't like that so he reached back there and got out his little can of mace. and sprayed it right in my eyes. and blinded me. why? cause i was alone in a room with a lady doing what he would like to be doing if he could ever get it up without a gun. in the united states of america. land of the free. home of the brave man -- in god we trust right? turn say your thing man! hey. hey! hey! get your hands off me slave! you finished? you sure you're finished? haven't you forgotten something -- the consolation prize they gave ya for taking your cock and balls? the guns. why don't you use em you withered dicks! you shit- eating red-neck chickenshit bastards, i hope this makes your worthless lives. you better kill me cause i'm gonna come back and fuck everyone of your daughters. i drink so i can talk to assholes. this includes me. let's just say i was testing the bounds of reality -- that's-all -- i was curious. i kinda always preferred to be hated. like erich von stroheim in the movies. the man you loved to hate. it's meant to be ironic, courage wants to laugh. y'know it's essentially a stupid situation. i go out on a stage and i howl for people. in me they see what they want to see -- some say the lizard king, whatever that means, or some black-clad leather demon whatever that means. but really i think of myself as a sensitive, intelligent human being but with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most crucial moment. a fake hero. a joke the gods played on me. it's okay, i accept the joke. and smile. death old friend, death and my cock, i can forgive my injuries in the name of wisdom, luxury, romance. words got me the wound and will get me well. all join now in lament of my cock, a tongue of knowledge in the feathered night. boys get crazy in the head and suffer. i sacrifice my cock on the alter of silence. nah, later. now listen to this i'll tell you about texas radio and the big beat soft driven slow and mad like some new language reaching your head with the cold sudden fury of a divine messenger let me tell you about heartache and the loss of god wandering, wandering in hopeless night out here on the perimeter there are no stars out here we is stoned, immaculate. but i tell you this: no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn. alive she cried! right dog, another cubic centimeter of chance ugh, i can't eat this stuff, it'll really make me sick. gimme a dos equis will ya delores? and a ramos gin fizz with it. let's go. right now! a triple, tom, shem and shaun. all of us direct it! in black and white. call it "zero." a real road movie! two of these you feel a lot better. that's all right. i like it i love l.a. -- the best neon. city of night! city of light. why are you going to work? you're not slaves, you're free, cars, you're free. you gotta fail to succeed tom, gotta surrender to the waiting tides. man, i been here all the time. over there watching. i'm really happy for you ray you found life. safflower oil, sure. yes. cause you lost it. it's fun to walk, isn't it. which car? oh yeah. i wrecked it. no ma i ain't drinking. no ma i ain't. i don't know 'bout that. uh -- just some low grade acid. it's not heavy. pam, read my mind. hey it's okay, it's okay. come on, we'll trip and then eat our feast. come on baby, y'know it's a good thing for ray and dorothy i think women are such noble creatures -- they carry on your name with dignity after you die. i think women basically have a comic approach to life -- i mean how can they not when they look up in the dark and see a dangling penis, seeking entry. it looks like a face y'know -- little beard "hi mom" i wanna get inside you. look around. "do the funky chicken, do dah, dah, funky chicken do da da "love my girl" -- let's go wild child, let's get out there romeo and juliet, marilyn monroe and vincent van gogh, jim and pam, rock and roll . all the poetry has wolves in it, but one pam -- the most beautiful one of all -- dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug 'cause i'm the poet and you're my muse get some drinks, man. over there pam! let's go wild child, let's get out there romeo and juliet, marilyn monroe and vincent van gogh, jim and pam, rock and roll "clothed in sunlight restless in wanting dying of fever changed shapes of an empire vast promissory notes of joy how it has changed you how slowly estranged you solely arranged you beg you for mercy" pam. honey, you're trying too hard. yes you are. yeah but nobody wants to read poetry anymore, nobody cares, it's not like important y'know. just put it away. not right now. you're my girl, that's who. all right so i do. i live my life the way i want. i don't want anyone expecting anything from me -- including you! you don't like it then get the fuck out! oh hi anne. you know pam? she's a little pissed off right now but. well i. sometimes yeah hey -- don't you know when to stop! oh yeah -- chuck. you're my idol man. since i was 12. the best man. i still can't hold a candle to you. chuck vincent man! no. he's right. chuck vincent's here, everybody, chuck vincent. it's not thanksgiving honey. she's working it out, man, it's okay pamela, pamela. come on baby, it's all right, shhh. push! push! it's a boy! oh murder? murder??? you wanna do i'm still killing your duck!!! fuck!!! murder death!!! the duck is dead. don't tell me what to do!! ever!! ever!! hide me!!! oh hi. i didn't realize you were entertaining. don't forget your smack on the way out. the mansion is warm at the top of the hill rich are the rooms and the comforts there red are the arms of luxuriant chairs you won't know a thing till you get inside i told you about that shit. or are we talking about death choices here? get up. hurt? you want to know hurt? let me introduce you to my good friend hurt. ah sanctuary!. a soft place to hide. i'll give you a place to hide forever! this is the best part of the trip, honey. i am the lizard king i can do anything hey it's no big deal. i like to cry when i come. it's close to death. maybe you'd better go home now before your mama gets home. what? you know you've always been good to me in bed judy. and it was nice of you to bring your friend. i want to keep seeing both of you but it can't be all the time y'know. it would be a night every few weeks or so. that's just the way i am, i'm not dependable. i can't be a boyfriend. would you do that? i mean could you handle it? that way? i don't want you to get hurt. do you love me? well, just think about it awhile. call me when you get your new number. hey that's a really nice outfit you're wearing, you really have good taste in clothes. how long have you two been friends? what? come back later! who is it! whyn't you come back later. i don't have any clothes on. now pam sweetheart, i'm busy. well you see pam there's this crazy girl in here, she's just lying on the bed with her legs open and i don't know what to do. it's your cousin lizzie, you don't want to see her. go home. almost. what was that promise you made why don't you tell me what she said what was that promise that she made i'm gonna love you till the heaven stops the rain i'm gonna love you till the stars fall from the sky for you and i. paul babe. why don't you suck a fart out of my asshole you slave driving facist motherfucker! so what are we going to tonight paul! 67 takes! it's stale! i wanna sing blues. this stuffs getting too self-conscious. let's sing "rock is dead"! you're all a buncha slaves. "oh come all ye faithful." catchy, you sold it to a commercial? for that? how much did you get for it? how much? you figured? what the fuck is this ray? what?. are you saying? are we the doors? one for all and all for one? do you know what you're saying to those millions of kids! "just kidding, not real". that's what you're saying. you think i was kidding ray? hey john, those are interesting shoes, you like those shoes? good. then do you want 50 of those shoes? then what do you need more money for? i'm dying ray. i wasn't kidding. maybe you were. but i'll tell you something, it's not about these desires you have man, or money, or these records, it's about breaking through wasn't it? you just lost something man. we all lost something boys. we lost something. there sure is. in your fucking face! just kidding. hi pam. just watchin' some tv. i know. i know. it's alright honey, it's gonna be alright. you're my girl and that's the way it's always gonna stay. so, let's keep that money machine rolling. come on guys. when i was back there in seminary school there was a person there who put forth the proposition that you can petition the lord with prayer petition the lord with prayer petition the lord with prayer why does my mind circle around you? why do planets wonder what it would be like to be you? all your soft wild promises were words, birds, endlessly in flight being drunk is the best disguise as the body is ravaged the spirit grows stronger nah, how 'bout some tacos when we're through? the world on fire taxi from africa the grand hotel he was drunk a big party last night back, going back in all directions sleeping these insane hours i'll never wake up in a good mood again i'm sick of these stinky boots do you know we are being led to slaughters by placid admirals? and that fat slow generals are getting obscene on young blood? do you know we are ruled by tv? oh great creator of being grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives the moths and atheists are doubly divine in dying we live, we die, and death not ends it journey we more into the nightmare we're reaching for death on the end of a candle we're trying for something that's already found us. more! don't be so melodramatic bill, it's not fun anymore. i care. chump change, we're working for chump change. i got an idea bill, you're fired. if your name is rita, then yor ol man must be ol man rita!! c'mon paul, you can get us some heroin man. why not? oh and what is my goal paul? death? wrong. i just want the pure beauty of absolute zero and sing the blues man -- do nuthin, go nowhere, just be. what's wrong with being a large mammal, a big beast like a tank. i feel great! rock is death! there is no longer belief. hey, i'll write poetry and direct movies. miss?. some love. the first two novels come along they love you, next few they slam but if you stay around long enough, one day they say, "hey he's part of the national psyche". i wasn't mad, tom. i was only interested in freedom. listen you two bit fuckin actor, you underestimate the audience. you think they all want a better job, a house, two cars, money, that's what you think but you know what they really want, tom, in their lives, what they really want -- something sacred, that's what they want, something sacred. fuck you ignorant devil's asshole slave! i don't eat shrimp. yes, sir. whatsa matter, scared johnny boy? we the beatles yet? hey john y'ever eaten human flesh? when we get to new york, i know this chick. just a touch robbie, it's the funkiest stuff, you'll play like an orgasm tonight. just a little lick, come on trust me. for old times, the four of us, let's get together one more time,. the doors man. please. for me. are you ready!!!! are you reaaaaaaadyyyyyyyyy!! yaaaaaoooooooooowwwwww. love my girl! five to one one in five no one here gets out alive you gets your baby i'll get mine gonna make it, baby if we try yaaaaaaoooooowwwwwww!!! you're all a buncha fuckin slaves!!! lettin people tell you what you're gonna do! lettin people push you around! how long you think it's gonna last! how long you gonna let them push you around!! c'mon get it all out! all the little hatreds, everything inside you. let me have it! maybe you love it, maybe you love gettin your faces pressed into the shit of the world! you'd all eat shit wouldn't ya!! adolph hitler is alive and well here in miami!! you're all a buncha slaves!! what are ya gonna do about it! what are ya gonna do about it! what are ya gonna do about it! no i'm not talkin' 'bout no revolution. i'm not talkin 'bout no demonstration. i'm talking 'bout having some fun. i'm talkin' 'bout dancin. i'm talkin 'bout love. i'm talkin' 'bout some love. love love love love. love!!!! grab your friend -- and love him. come oooooaaaannnnn. yeah! ain't nobody gonna love my ass? come on. i need ya. there's so many of ya out there and nobody's gonna love me! c'mon -- what'cha come here for anyway? you didn't come here for music. you didn't come here to see a good band. you came here for this didn't ya. i'm lonely out here -- ya wanna see it. come on sweetheart. i need it, i need it, need ya, need ya, need ya, come oooooaaaannnnnnn. didja see it! you wanna see it again??? what if i pull it out fer ya!! and shake it around!!! will that do it for you! would ya, would ya, would ya!! now watch -- i'm gonna show it to ya! there it was! ya see it? ya see it?. ya wanna see it again? come on up here and love my ass! i wanna see some action out there! i wanna see some action out there! i wanna see some action out there! i wanna see some action out there! i want you to love my ass! i want some love. love. love. love c'mon, c'mon. no limits, no laws you wanna fuck? come on! come on up here!!!!! c'mon! c'mon! no limits, no laws! no limits, no laws! no limits, no laws! i can't believe this is happening i can't believe all these people are sniffing each other & backing away, teeth grinning, hair raised, growling, here in the slaughtered wind this is it no more fun the death of all joy has come well, you gonna get rid of it? fucked up people y'know, crazies, unwanted indians just throw it in the river. patricia, wouldn't it be better to have a kid with someone who wanted to be its father? it'd be a monster. i got this trial dragging on me, patricia. i couldn't support the kid -- i can't afford it and i don't want the responsibility right now. come on patricia, i was stoned. it seemed like the fun thing at the time. you want 'em? then it'll be your kid. if you want the abortion i'll pay for it and i'll come up to new york to be with you when you have it. yes i will. please don't say those things to me, patricia. well uh, it's designed to wear you down y'know. when that rap sheet says the "united states of america versus you" it takes you down day by day, specially when no one really gives a shit about, y'know, the first amendment that's on trial here. nobody says anything about that, it's just uh did you take your pants off y'know, i mean that's not what it's about, it's about freedom, that's what it's about. but who cares, right? freedom exists in a schoolbook. well, i can only open doors, m'am. i can't drag people thru 'em. i'm no savior. did i? well, i'll tell ya, my words stand a far better chance of being around a hundred years from now than my waistline. you're drinking with number three. i think i'm having a nervous breakdown. whatcha worried about? i like it out here. life on the edge baby. come get me if you love me baby. your whole life's bullshit! you love come on baby, come on. don't have an ending ray. come on baby, come on "i see your hair is burning. if they say i never loved you, you know they are a liar!" all the poetry has wolves in it pam!!! c'mon pam, this is it! we'll do it right here! right now! you and me! we can. right now. just one more step. there was preserved in her the fresh miracle of surprise. clothed in sunlight restless in wanting dying of fever married to doubt how it has changed you how slowly estranged you solely arranged you beg for your mercy -- or -- . but all will pass lie down in green grass and smile and muse and gaze upon her smooth resemblance to the mating-queen who it seems is in love with the horseman tomorrow we enter the tomb of my birth i want to be ready. eek dorothy! you cut your hair! what -- was your hair getting in the way? where are the kids? hey -- am i late or is this the cool remnant of a dream? how's my girl! and how's my boy! for you. pancho gets this one. melanie -- yours. hey dorothy don't grab now. open that one, that's yours. keep your paws off that now. and to you, princess, from your royal servant, james douglas morrison no, i gotta plane to catch. forever young. i gotta admit -- that ain't bad for four guys who weren't even talking that day. yeah john, be anonymous, write a book: "observations of an american while on trial in miami". i'm pinned man. everything i do they got a category for it, y'know. freedom's gone. you can always whip the horses' eyes. you, john, miss me? yeah, yeah -- and you lay off those drugs rob. we're gonna play again some day. so what are you gonna be when you grow up? i don't know, can i afford you? pam kinda wiped me out with her dress store y'know. you know i've never been happier. not as much of a rush as i used to be in y'know. this is the strangest life i've ever known. o?. splittling headache from which the future is made. sure. the count's there so where else would she be? gotta try to start over, without all the hassles, y'know. i think we can. well she is kinda flakey -- like me. i mean she's just so vulnerable about everything. it makes me sad man. but she's always kinda believed in something about me y'know -- her little picture of me as the unsung poet -- and it's a fantasy i kinda dig y'know, 'stead of the one i live. we didn't break thru ray, we just pushed things a little. when you really break thru, there's nothing left. no music, no doors, no god, nothing -- only a will to power. and now what? it was white ray. you gotta stop harpin' on that day. i was so ripped i can hardly remember it. come on man, i gotta fly. in that year we had a great visitation of energy back in those days everything was simpler and more confused one summer night, going to the pier i ran into two young girls the blonde was called freedom the dark one enterprise we talked and they told me this story. aw right. let's get some tacos! well, i'll tell you a story of whiskey, mystics and men and about the believers and how the whole thing began first there were women and children obeying the moon then daylight brought wisdom and sickness too soon. the moon is a dry blood beast we have assembled inside this ancient and insane theatre to propagate our lust for life and flee the swarming wisdom of the streets we live we die and death not ends it father have mercy!!! bird of prey, bird of prey flying high, flying high in the summer sky bird of prey, bird of prey flying high, flying high gently pass by bird of prey, bird of prey flying high, flying high take me on your flight i will come again down from the wild mountains