you're crazy! okay. just talk though. no funny stuff. i've been real upset. i lost my car on the freeway yesterday. i left it somewhere and i can't remember where and when i went back it was gone. my sister. i really don't want to know these are like beautiful! i never read much poetry in school. i hated it. what's a "shaman"? are you a "shaman"? i don't know. experience. freedom. love. now. peyote's like love. when it's given it's blessed. when it's sold it's damned. i like peyote. i like acid, it's easier to get. i like the spiritual voyage. the first time i did acid i saw god. i did. i had a friend who was christ. and he was judas too. i suddenly knew the secret of everything -- that we're all one, the universe is one. and that everything is beautiful. i think you're alive by recognizing beauty -- seeing truth because when you discover truth you discover what love is. we're all saying the same thing. it's "love me and i'll love you." do you love death? why do i look at you. and see my death? no, that's ridiculous. how did you know! what was your father? i bet you moved around a lot. how many sisters and brothers? one. she's the pretty one. i love your neck. that's beautiful. who did you write it for? take your time, jim. there's no hurry, i'm all you have to do tonight. i think it's hot!! so jerry. do we get paid for this? make sure you get barb and sue anne to come. and tell them to ask for jim! i want to! i want to! i'm ready. let's go to the desert. do the peyote, the good peyote. let's go jim, come on. i don't know what i am. i'm on the cusp of sagittarius and capricorn. sagittarius is wild and capricorn domestic and safe, so i don't know which one to be. jim! jim. come here, dance. don't go away. don't wash it. don't set it. he likes it the way it is. what can i do, what do you want me to do?. jim? it happens to other guys too. it's not so complicated jim, it's just sex, y'know. it's the hours man, the pressure, everything's like your last performance, you're setting yourself up. aren't you doing this for you, because you're a poet, not a rock star. ed sullivan's not a place for you. what are you saying! why are you doing this to me? and this is gonna help! it's probably the cause. 'least put some soul in your success asshole! right. give it to me!!! fuck you man i'm outta here. how many dogs have you fucked! you don't say no to anybody! drugs, dogs, uglies, you'd fuck a doorknob with butter on it! you're the first one who couldn't make it with me anyway! you're the only limp dick in the lot!!! no! will you die for me!! what about me! what about me! yes yes yes. with me. yes. yes. yes, yes, yes. yes. don't you like the way he talks. isn't he cool? jim, i need some safflower oil. do you think you can find me a bottle? and get some gravy train for sage. i'll meet you up front. jim you got any cash? it's only another $95,000 but i could get the best clothes. from india, morocco jim, clothes you can't find anywhere, we could get the richest people to come, miles davis, cher, the stones, it's gonna be the best boutique on la cienega jim. why are we walking, how come we don't have a car? that was months ago. we got another car. the red one with the black interior. remember it was a shift and i didn't like it. what happened to it? oh jim! damn! where's the gravy train? whatsamatter? what are you on? you promised you wouldn't drink today. you're not gonna drink any more are you jim. and you're gonna change those stinky leathers you been wearing for three weeks. what the hell are you on? jesus jim! goddamit! you promised. i made the duck! people are coming! ray and dorothy think we're flaky enough and i. you said you'd wait till after, you're going to peak before me. yeah sure. what are you saying? you wanna marry me jim? i like it when you sing to me what am i going to do about these papers! jim, jim -- you really need someone to organize this stuff. your handwriting's just like a little kid. my god look at this. i wonder if william blake was ever this disorganized. i'm gonna be your editor now, seriously i'm going to organize all your stuff. i'm gonna take out all the fuck words. i'm not -- i'm not. there's some great poetry here jim, some wonderful ideas. but what am i supposed to do? how do i fit in? who am i supposed to be around all these people? look who's talking i just have one thing to say to you -- you bastard! you ruined my duck, you killed my duck!!! blood blood blood razors razors everywhere! get out!!! bloooooooddddddd! deeathhhh! stop raaaazoooors!!! raaaazzzzzors and duckkks! this shaman shit is bullshit! fuck you and your dark ride!! you you you!!!! you killed my duck! you killed my duck!! what the hell's happened to us jim? what the hell is happening to us. there's some great poetry. hi. i'm just doing my thing, just like you said, it's my thing, why can't i have a thing. ow! you're hurting me! no fuck you! this is my. from you, you pig! jim! jim, i gotta talk! let me in please. i gotta talk. jim, i know there's someone in there, i can't believe you're doing this again. you're disgusting. fuck you!!! i want to see her. we're all sisters, let me see her. jim,. i got this wonderful leg of lamb in the oven for supper. and the house is immaculate. sage is waiting. he wants you to play with him. are you coming. jim goddamit answer me!! jim! i fucked him to hurt you! he doesn't mean anything to me!! i wanted you to find us jim. it meant nothing. you don't have to torture me jim. let me make it up to you, please. really? sing to me, jim, sing to me. i love you. jim! please goddamit!! come back in please!! noooooo!! ". but one, the most beautiful one of all -- dances in a ring of fire -- " ". and throws off the challenge with a shrug" i don't wanna die with you jim morrison, i don't wanna die! jim -- let's go, let's leave this town! you and me! never come back. no jim. i want to live with you. i want to live with you. jim. that you? jim! it was you. i always know when it's you. come on baby get out of the tub. mama'll dry you off. jim morrison, now you stop joking you hear me, cut it out! was it all right jim, did you enjoy it when it came my baby? just like you said it'd be?