you want to do some more cocaine? it'll loosen you up. 14th century. i practice the craft. i'm a witch a white one. the kennealy's were celtic cheiftains and pre-christian shamans when your druid ancestors the morrisons were a minor scottish clan founded by a bastard son of the king of norway. it's a religion, witchcraft. witches are the protectors of the seasons, the harvests, goddesses of the grain. and when crossed, destroyers. you ever try drinking blood? it works you know. you drink blood the right time of the moon. they used to dance in the forests naked. i think that's what offended the puritans and led to the burnings. they were a sexual threat to their male order like the bacchae -- five days a year for dionysus, they used to wander the hills in ancient greece, the first witches, clans of wild women fucking, looting, eating animals raw, the wine in their blood running hot -- looking for dionysus. to tear him to pieces -- isn't that wild? blood is the rose of mysterious union, symbol of potency. now you. don't be such a child! if i do it, you have to do it. come on rock god, fuck me, fuck me good. come on. cut me! cut me go on! yeah yeah! fuck me! fuck me!! go on fuck me!!! like? i loved them! "mad bad and dangerous to know." that's what they said about him. your poems should be taken as seriously. y'know i don't even like rockers. they're sleazy. i made up my fuck list the other night -- out of 30 guys there were maybe three of them, y'know. i'm not a groupie. you like that hunh? beg! you wanna fuck me, morrison, don't ever lie to me again. ever! your father. why do you tell me bullshit like your father's dead? if he's so dead, then who answered the phone when i called the house? you didn't really think you'd get away with that, morrison. an admiral in the united states navy. who's at the gulf of tonkin when vietnam starts. your dad's a deputy chief of operations. well naturally he wasn't too happy when i called. your mom wanted to talk but he shut her off. what, i'm a "fuckin' cunt" because i called the house? like it's hard to trace your school records. university of florida, albuquerque, new mexico, arlington, virginia, washington, d.c. brother, sister, it's seven miles long baby -- it's all in the "the end", it's so easy. don't ever try to hide anything from me again. okay? go on. tell me. did he make you cut your hair? did he hit you, was he a bully? did he love you? how much? and your mother? it doesn't matter anymore does it. listen to them. it's you they want now. not the doors, not your mother or your father's child. they want you jim. you have no choice, jim. i see you up there like icarus. i see you flying closer and closer to the sun. and your wings are melting. you idiot, don't you know who. help! they got jim!!! what do you know what jim needs? see you later. i can't fucking believe you just said that! it'd be a fucking genius, that's what it'd be! you and me. the child would be a god, goddess! you're a coward!! a little boy!! the only way you can't afford it is emotionally. you forgot your vows man. they were forever in the goddess' sight. death doesn't part, only love jim! i'm gonna cut your balls off morrison! fuck you. i'm gonna have the kid. no you won't. bullshit morrison you know who you are. no. what difference does it make. you know, you never pretended. i did. i don't even like kids particularly, but i don't want the other thing either. i guess what i really want is to throw myself off this fucking balcony well now that you've fucked the future, morrison, have you fucked everything?. have you looked at yourself in the mirror. your stomach. fuck me one last time, you worthless piece of shit.