come on jerry, cool it, cool it. he's a kid, it's a song about dying, changing. bertold brecht, cabaret and rock. give me a fucking break. you guys are amazing! let's go make a record. hey bruce, you feel it? i got goosebumps jac. this is history going down here. an album of killer music in six days. six days. unreal! fuckin' neanderthal primadonna is too drunk to see. cut it. that was beautiful sweetheat, we had a technical problem, we'll take it again from the top babe whenever you're ready. right here baby. i hear the booze, i hear the smokes jim, i don't hear the voice and babe i didn't hear the song! shut up jim! i don't understand! i don't. what are ya doing! i love you like a brother, i do, but why are you fucking this up. it's a perfect radio song for chrissake! no one wants to hear the blues anymore! think like a singer, you're the only baritone crooner we got left. sinatra, elvis, crosby, you're as good as they are, but why are you fucking this up! why! right on jimbo. where the hell did she go? come on jim, we'll get fuckin' laid in miami. no i can't and i won't. cause i don't want to participate in anything that would accomplish your goal? "death old friend".