hey man it's great, don't listen to em, it's non-linear man, it's poetry man, everything godard stands for. i tell you bout my baby 'bout five foot four from head to toe she came to my room just 'bout midnight she makes me feel so good she makes me feel alright get him back in! om om. no bliss! no bliss! morrison. aw shit. last trip i thought i was going through hell's digestive system. something painted by hieronymus bosch. i like naturally high man. well i saw the head of production and i said godard doesn't use scripts, he improvises with his camera and he said, "great who's godard?" right on. i thought you went to new york? whatcha been doing? songs? lemme hear one. so neither can dylan. "johnny's in the basement mixing up the medicine, i'm on the pavement thinking about the government". but he's got the words man. that's what they want. wow!. y'know man those are hot lyrics -- really hot! are you kidding! i could fly. you wrote that? you got others? man. you got a voice like chet baker -- haunted! what the hell happened to you in the desert? let's get a rock and roll band together man and make a million bucks. it's the perfect time man! two of the guys outta my band are really into this. i meditate with them. you know them. robbie and john. we could have it in the can in three weeks. the stones did it outta the london school of economics for chrissake. things are about to explode man. you can feel it in the air. vietnam's right out there. sides are being chosen. people wanna fight or fuck, love or kill, everything's gonna flame. the planet's screaming for change, morrison. make the myths man!! what do we call ourselves. "dionysus"? what? the doors? that's the most ridiculous. . you mean the doors in your mind? like the huxley book. yeah sure mescaline experiments -- reducing the sugar flow to the brain. great book. -- infinite". it's great, jim. rehearsing. you're moving off the rooftop and in with me and dorothy. tighten it up. stay with the beat jim. you're dragging. okay man there's some good changes in there. nice groove, john. chaka chaka chaka, then bula burump bula . you're right, it could take a coupla long solos, that's wild man, like butterfield did on "east-west" -- really hip. why not! a minor to b minor. jazz! that then is jazz! but it needs a hook. something. give me some space. i need some space. leave the room guys. come on! go! okay here it is. bach and rock. count it off john turn around jim! come on let 'em in. yeah right, but what about the music? uh huh. well, how 'bout gettin' us some real equipment? we'll have a band meeting. the four of us do everything unanimously or we don't do it. he's just getting his confidence. how does it feel? "whiskey's" next, i can feel it in my bones. right on stud. but you better watch out for the guys. i'm in pain man. i want something from the peyote. i feel the universe functioning perfectly but i'm still perfectly locked inside myself. instead of oneness, i feel total isolation. aloneness. fear. pain. jim, all i feel is pain. jerry jerry. he was talking about oedipus! greek tragedy!! it's art!! oh sure, hi. yeah? i'd rather stay the same color. it's only a word man. the stones changed. jim said to me once, the history of rock and roll's like greek drama or caveman stories. the audience comes to see ancient rituals in ancient caves. their souls in jeopardy. they're not watching any longer, they're participating -- and everything's in play, your life, your death. have you bothered to read the poetry ma'm? you keep denying that anything good can come from l.a., i mean isn't that kind of a provincial attitude? that bob dylan's the only poet cause he's from the east coast, but you won't even look past jim's goddamn looks at the words man! come on, we're splitting man. dorothy's waiting at the door. we'll get a bite at max's and. yeah can we meet him, he's great. just like he is. you wanna meet him? yeah sure, he's cool, come on, he's your hero! come on jim, let's go. i could never keep up with you jim. i couldn't make the music. come on jim, this isn't our scene, these people are vampires. we gotta stick together man, the four of us. let's make the myths man. why don't you leave him alone lady, he doesn't need more shit in his life. he could go all the way man! in five years he could be in the white house. another jfk. where the fuck you been man? okay jim let's eat that duck. jim! come on. get a hold of yourself! jim!! will you stop this shit will you stop!! will you get sane!! alright, let's try something else. now, jim. it's not like a big deal jim, the song's already been commercialized, the money was great. robbie wrote the lyrics and he didn't mind, neither did i, neither did john. we gotta get to tv. i don't think so jim. there's a bigger picture here. bill's with him. they're an hour away, he'll get him here. you think it's easy for him. he moves left he's got vice squad, on the right narcs -- and the audience just waiting for him to get busted. compassion was never your forte man. the wine man, the ancient wine. the ancient wine. something he once told us. about dionysos. when the madness took over. john, c'mon!! john!! stop it!! come on!! come on man. we'll talk tomorrow, we'll settle it. just do it tonight man and. "the band you love to hate". pam!! oh shit. get the ambulances man. jim! help her. she's gonna fall. jim we gotta finish "la woman". they're both gonna die. are you happy you cocksuckers!! you wanna hear the new mixes on "la woman?". gotta plane to catch man? is pam really there in paris waiting? i never knew what you saw in that nightmare chick man. i don't know man, i don't wanna sound like your old man but you're only 27, you're living like you gotta get it all in, you gotta slow down man, you did it, you broke thru to the other side. i don't believe that. you were an american prince, man -- with overbred genes -- no! what could've been jim? you could've been president. no man! what could've been jim? we stood here on this beach on the edge of the pacific that crazy summer day in '65 -- and we knew, you and i, we knew we were at the edge of the mind. we were there, man. one planet, one globe, one mind. consciousness, we raised it, we were there. now? you've made me into ishmael. i am the last survivor of the pequod. and i exist only to tell the story of ahab who fought the black whale. hey, what was that poem you once wrote about two chicks on the pier? come on. just once.