we'll work it out herb, promise. give me five. what the hell happened! don't touch jim. get some water. don't touch your eyes. he was what! he's jim morrison for chrissake. jim, jim -- you okay -- let's get you under the water here. don't touch, you'll be okay. are you nuts! jim! your mom's here with your brother. what do you want me to do with 'em? vice squad says one more "fuck or shit" they're gonna close us down man. it was $50,000. you weren't talking to us that week and we figgered you. goddamit jim! we missed one already, we gotta get this one man! no! cut em off! cut em off! jim, you don't show for this one, we're dead, the whole group -- no more bookings. we need the work jim! they're making us post a $10,000 bond just to show up -- we're the only group in rock-n- roll with a fuck clause! get him on the fuckin' plane. that's what i pay you for. look at you, you're a pathetic fuckin' slob and so are all your friends! come on guys, cool it! what the fuck happened to the seats!! what's the fucking idea man! there's no seats! that wasn't the fucking idea man!! we're gonna sue you!. we're pulling the plug. we're not playing. what's heavy is the radio stations pulling us from their playlists. the big cities -- philly, cinci, chicago, detroit -- it's insane! record sales suck! max firmly believes the fbi's behind it. we're subpoenaing their records -- they had memos on you in phoenix and they got you extradicted to miami illegally without a felony. 15: awake! shake dreams from your hair, my pretty child my sweet one choose the day and choose the sign of your day the day's divinity the first thing you see a vast radiant beach and a cool jewelled moon couples naked, race down by its quiet side and we laugh like soft mad children smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy the music and voices are all around us choose, they croon, the ancient ones the time has come again choose now, they croon beneath the moon beside an ancient lake enter again the sweet forest enter the hot dream come with us everything is broken up and dances jim jumps around violently to the front, getting the attention of all. rubbing his leather pants against the mike stand, leaning against it, not yet comfortable with the extrovert side of himself, eyes closed, but starting to enjoy it. he sings to pam. when the music's over turn out the lights for the music is your special friend dance on fire as it intends music is your only friend until the end the face in the mirror won't stop the girl in the window won't stop a feast of friends alive she cried waiting for me outside! before i sink into the big sleep i want to hear the scream of the butterfly come back baby back into my arms we're getting tired of hanging around waiting around with our heads to the ground i hear the gentle sound very near yet very far very soft, yeah, very clear come today, come today for the music is your special friend dance on fire as it intends music is your only friend until the end la woman la woman sunday afternoon drive thru your suburbs into your blues into your blue-blue blues into your blues what was the story? they are waiting to take us into the severed garden do you know how pale and wanton thrillful comes death at a strange hour? unannounced unplanned for like a scaring overfriendly guest you've brought to bed? death makes angels of us all? and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws. no more money, no more fancy dress this other kingdom seems by far the best until its other jaw reveals incest and loose obedience to a vegetable law. i will not go i prefer a feast of friends to the giant family.