oh c'mon man, give it a break. boo! beatniks go home! take another mushroom. "light my fire"! play "light my fire"!! come on jim. take your clothes off man! get wild! fuck me baby. fuck me girl, suck my cock honey around the world! mexican whore suck my prick! keeper of the royal sperm man! celebrate the lizard man, drain it motherfucker!! yeah, stop the war man, peaceee. "light my fire"! come on jim -- play "light my fire"! take it off! take it all off! first hendrix now janis robbie flew to hawaii legalities pending dispositions book in toronto interview with pbs renew your diverse license psychic predictions nine paternity suits fifty thousand dollar bond recoup our losses pamela's shopping spree with your credit card morrison hotel some-body from film school mountain of coke in the broom closet jac holzman eight thirty in the morning remix perform schedule paul rothchild taxes texas teenyboppers tomorrow.