that darn cast sure itches something fierce, don't it? i thought i'd go crazy with mine. palo alto's a nice little town. you a stanford man? i bet you left something behind. i always do. care to roll yourself a cigarette, mr. --? i could get your cigars for you. be glad to, mr. dietrichson. car nine, section eleven. a pleasure. yes sir, mr. keyes. these are fine cigars you smoke. that's what i said. yes, indeed, i studied them thoroughly. very thoroughly mr. keyes, i'm a medford man. medford, oregon. up in medford we take our time making up our minds -- are these photographs of the late mr. dietrichson? then my answer is no. i mean this is not the man that was on the train. i'm a medford man. medford, oregon. and if i say it, i mean it, and if i mean it, of course i'll swear it. please to meet you, mr. neff. pleased indeed. very fine, thank you. never was better. well, i'm pretty sure he was a younger man, about ten or fifteen years younger than the man in these photographs. the man i saw was nothing like fifty- one years old. of course, it was pretty dark on that platform and, come to think of it, he tried to keep his back towards me. but i'm positive just the same. any time you need me, i'm at your entire disposal, gentlemen. expenses paid, of course. ever been in medford, mr. neff? wait a minute. do you go trout fishing? maybe i saw you up klamath falls way. neff. neff. i've got it! it's the name. there's a family of neffs in corvallis. let me see. this man's an automobile dealer in corvallis. very reputable man, too, i'm told. tonight? tomorrow morning would suit me better. there's a very good osteopath down here i want to see before i leave. goodbye, gentlemen. a pleasure.