i'm ilenka, sylvia's granddaughter. who are you? wait. i know who you are. grandma told me you'd come. you're the woman from the bank. the one who took her house. that's not what happened, is it? are you going to stand here on my porch and lie to my face? you used to be a real fat girl, to didn't you? i can tell. you know, you caused my grandma a lot of pain. that house was her pride. when you took that from her, she had nothing left. you're not welcome here. she starts to close the door. stephanie halts her. desperate now, no where else to turn. damn straight it was wrong. make everything all right for her, is that it? still going to make everything all right? the mourners replace the corpse atop the coffee table. ilenka addresses the crowd in hungarian. she tells them that it was this white trash farm girl that threw her grandmother t from her home and that she now bears the curse of lamia. a mother shields her daughter's eyes from the sight of stephanie, the cursed one, then hurriedly kisses her .crucifix. a man spits at her feet then walks off. it will never come off. she said you'd come begging. i only wish she could have lived to see it. the blood drains from stephanie's face. maybe she can. stephanie glances down to the corpse. it's head is now facing her. it's dead eyes, open!