i first encountered this spirit forty years ago in a small village outside of bucharest. i was an. inexperienced seer then. i've learned much since that woeful day. i have waited these long years for a chance at redeeming myself. a chance to destroy the foul thing. tonight my chance will come. but to summon it, i will need your help. our business must wait till darkness falls. enough time for tea. my late husband, sandor, was also a medium. he chose this site to build the'house upon because he sensed certain energies that intersected here. it is time for us to begin. shaun san dena turns out the electric lights, leaving only the tables' candlelight for illumination. we hear the bleating of a goat. stephanie startles. milos reenters the room pulling a black goat along by a chain. the goat catches sight of stephanie. it bleats in fear and attempts to run. but milos holds it fast and tethers it to a post. he moves to the table and lifts a velvet cloth revealing a large cattle slaughtering blade. lord jesus bless this knife and allow it to do your holy work. she makes the sign of the cross. she pours a .vial of holy water over the blade. she turns to stephanie. once the spirit has entered me, place my hand upon the animal. do you understand? i will force the spirit of the lamia into the goat. milos, that's when you strike. stephanie blanches but remains silent. we must all.be receptive. shaun san dena begins to intone a romanian gypsy chant. stephanie leans close to speak quietly with rham jae. i sense something here with us. it is not the lamia. it is the spirit of some unsettled soul from be gone, foolish spirit! there is a howling of wind and the room is again quiet. show yourself lamia. we invite you into our circle. quiet. stephanie looks about. nothing seems to be happening. he's coming. lamia. rham jas nods discreetly to milos who quietly uncovers the slaughtering blade. the soul of stephanie brownl we will feast upon it, as she festers in the gravel no! i will enjoy watching her skin blister and pop in hell's flame. i come for her! stephanie quickly grabs shaun san derna's hand and places it on the goat's head. shaun san dena's eyes clear for a moment as she struggles to regain control. now there are two spirits battling within her. she attempts t to force the spirit of the lamia from her body and into the goat. the goat bleats and bucks wildly as the spirit is transferred. milos raises up the slaughtering blade. no! you-- my heart. shaun san dena collapses into stephanie's arms. rham jas moves to assist her. they lower shaun san dana to the floor.