vide, magister. there's something wrong. what's the matter? what's happened? to me? of course. well, almost. the first two chapters. to tell the truth, i haven't dared try it. what's the point, anyway? i hate books. i hate drill. i want a real task. i don't hear anything. voices, singing on the road. i don't see anything. he gawks skyward. suddenly, the old man leans down and addresses him. here are your sticks. you're in a morbid frame of mind. what's all this about dying? you don't even look sick. master, don't you think -- look at yourself. how far will you get like that? a league, two leagues? why don't you wave your hands around and summon up a coach-and-four? you pilgrims: you're used to lotteries. why not draw straws to see who'll be first to carry ironshanks here. send me. you're always saying i need seasoning. i need a test. let me go. i'm ready for anything. not this one, was it? the erstwhile apprentice stands his ground, blinking back tears, his face weirdly illuminated by the fire. hodge -- what are you doing? stand back! cragganmore! domus non i am! silva celet! i guess. me too. what's the matter, hodge, pack too heavy? here. too cold, is it? too warm? i've got as much respect for the master as anyone, old man. but -- then again, i'm master now. easy now. we mean no harm. we've been looking for you. more the other way around, i'd say. a few words, that's all. you were looking for a conjurer. right. requiscat in pace. ecce: magister novus! my lord ulrich is no longer. all that you asked of him, you may now expect of me. the dangers he would face, i will now conquer. the task he would undertake i will now fulfill. i am galen bradwardyn, inheritor of ulrich's craft and knowledge, and i am the sorcerer you seek. what's the matter with him? what have you got there? a little gold, eh? what do you say i change it into lead? i'm no fraud. hodge, nobody forced you to come along. well, if he told you i needed wetnursing, why don't you just turn yourself around and go back home. he walks back along the trail, looking for valerian. pretty soon the rest of the travelers are out of sight. he hears the sound of a splash. he turns off the trail and pushes through some shrubbery. you're too far behind us. come on out. not a good idea to get separated. let's go. by the gods! i'm not going to say anything. take it easy. i knew the moment i saw you. i've known the whole time. don't worry. no one's going to find out. just tell me: why? the lottery! daughters are chosen, but sons are not! what do you mean? no! no! hodge! i hear you. i know. what are you doing with this, hodge? hodge, don't die. listen to me. you're not going to die. excede, mortem! revoca, vitam! excede, mortem! revoca, vitam! the whole kingdom like this? where? i see it. let's have a look. are there other entrances? no smoke. how do you know it's in there? now, great mountain, hear my command: terrae lapsus consignet latibulum draconis! evanescat latibulum draconis! you're talking about superstition, friend. none of that has anything to do with what i, galen, have already achieved. people of urland! send a messenger to the king. vermithrax is dead. crushed by the power of the moon and the stars! laid low by ancient wisdom. dropped into the abyss by mystical practice. nihil plus mysterium! looks like you've been up to a little sorcery yourself. or is it witchcraft? what's the matter? a real woman never stops talking. what sort of gratitude? a knife in the belly? an arrow in the back? don't worry. i'll be back. one of the best things about the water here in urland is that there's so much of it -- look at that! mmm. good. but not cold enough. perhaps i could borrow a scarf from his majesty. i cover the goblet, so. remove, so. and behold: winter in a mug! all right. how many of you have ever seen a table fly? wait, it'll rise now. yes. please -- no payment. i have always found magical practice to be its own reward. i seek only some yet greater challenge. i was invited. what failure? what's the matter with you people? you want the dragon back? yes, of course. dead. cubiculum gravis aperat! open up, dammit! fenestra gravis aperat! asser gravis aperat! divinitus! how do you do. i see. and only a few had to be sacrificed. depends on who does the dying. virgin? if you say so. nothing. maybe. i'm sorry. i heard a rumor. families with money, that sort of thing. wait -- how long do i have to stay in here? the shaking has stopped. rock dust filters down from the ceiling. galen picks himself up and stares: the door to his cell is off its hinges and is sagging open. he darts out. greil -- help! it's me. are you hurt? i can't. i can't do it. i just can't. i'm no sorcerer. whatever power i might have had, it's gone. i know: i'm an imposter. a fraud. a fake. i'm sorry. smith -- have you ever forged a weapon? these are your sharpest? it's sharp -- but it's not sharp enough. for what i'm going to do with it. valerian, this isn't just for your sake. i'll need the amulet. i know. we've met. i'm unarmed. if you want a fight, at least give me a weapon. don't bother. that's not the kind of fire we need. nunc, per potestatem hermeticum -- ex flammis, ferrum sangrinarium! well done, simon. thank you. i understand. thank you. hatchlings. they'll have to be killed too. anything else? yes. who is? what do you mean? and you'll be eligible because -- i am in love. but not with the princess. be gone! i've got plenty of reasons to kill you that have nothing to do with this sacrifice. run! get out of here! no! stop! what are you doing? elspeth! he's lying face down behind a boulder, his clothes charred, patches of skin scorched. he looks dead. valerian rolls him onto his back. she gasps: the eyes are open, regarding her. still alive. nothing. i was just thinking -- poor hodge. hurts. that thing was small, but its teeth were sharp. but the big one's alive. somewhere down in that burning lake. galen has come to a halt in the middle of the path. he's staring into the middle distance with a sudden inspiration bubbling in his brain. he flings off his sack, drops to his knees and tears through the contents. valerian comes back, baffled. galen's gear is strewn all over the trail. you old trickster! the burning water! the lake of fire! he had it planned. he knew this was going to happen. we've got to go back, i want to talk to him! he couldn't walk -- he knew he couldn't make the journey. so he had us make the journey for him! don't you see? what? why? no you're not, this is my job. absolutely not. stay close. never mind. come on. all right. wait here. ex favilla, vita nova! ulrich! magister! over here! i can see you! over here! wonder of wonders -- you're back! i thank the powers that made me! food? wait, i have something to tell you. no it can't. listen: i thought i was a sorcerer -- but i wasn't. i thought i had power -- but i didn't. i thought i was you -- but i'm not. anything! no! i can't. not if it means killing him. no! you can't! no. i'm fine. yes. that too. yes? a horse. no. it must have been wandering loose. or wild. you don't want to wish it gone, do you?