my daughter, for one. i left my farm with seeds unplanted, calves unborn, nothing but a wife to chase down the strays, and for what? a funeral, that's what. because some people said, find a magician. not just a local fellow, an import, a good forty leagues from home. an all-powerful necromancer. ha -- some necromancer! i'll not sit. i'll not eat. see you the great bear. his tail points east. it's the equinox. have you forgotten? or rather not think about it? well, you've found us. how say you? well, that's a handsome thought, o wizard of wizards. but if there's one thing our friend tyrian has shown us, it's to beware the pig in the poke. who's got a dagger? call it proof, then. well i haven't. all i've seen is death. death in our families, death on the road, and tonight, death at home. i don't like it. young snot-nose comes in here for sport at our expense. we're on a fool's errand, but we don't have to listen to this. i don't want to hear any more about sorcery. i don't want to hear any more about spells. urland! look, you don't have to do this. we know you're a fine young magician. none better. there's no need to prove it to us. come on. the road's this way. we'll tell everybody how close you got. don't be a fool. come away now and live to tell about it. would that i had been as clever as her father. i begrudge nothing. but i wonder at what we have seen and how it was done. i saw what i saw. but this jack-anapes was barely ready to carry his master's chamberpot. isn't it strange that at the very moment the beast is put down we should have a holy man here in the village? it is said god works his wonders in mysterious ways. you call yourselves christians? may the lord forgive you for what you have done. holy of holies -- he did not die in vain. can you hear me, brothers? well and good, but i'm greil no longer. call me gregorius, after the bishop of rome. i saw him die. like our lord jesus on the cross he was, scourged by evil. but he showed no fear. such is the power of the holy ghost. of what avail is magic? the old gods died with our daughters. from whence comest my help? my help comest from the lord! the church is mother to us all. not just one lonely orphan who has lost his way, not just a few, but all of us that believeth in him. when enough voices come together in prayer, he shall hear, we shall live and the beast shall die. be calm. he watcheth over us! and this is his sign! let us pray! our father who art in heaven. make haste, brother. now be thou baptized in the name of the father, son and holy ghost. may the lord our god light our way. let us pray. we thank thee, lord, for this divine deliverance. verily is thy presence amongst us, fully manifest in this, thy great work. arise, children of the lord and forsake evermore the pagan mysteries. rejoice in the true power of the christian god!