close enough! bring her out! now be it known throughout the kingdom, that this maiden, having lawfully been chosen by a deed of fortune and destiny, shall hereby give up her life for the greater good of urland. by this act shall be satisfied the powers that dwell underground and the spirits that attend thereto. in gratitude for this sacrifice his majesty has declared the family -- what's the name? -- -- the family plowman to be free of obligations, taxations, levys and imposts for a period not to exceed five years. -- ordained and signed this day, etc., casiodorus, in his glory the reigning king of this our realm. his seal, his mark, duly read by chancellor horsrik in his holy name. people of urland: whereas the peace of the kingdom has been disrupted by the mischief of an interloper; and whereas this interloper being fled; now therefore, his majesty the king hereby proclaims the sum of thirty ducats to be paid to anyone producing the miscreant galen bradwardyn, fraud enchanter, to our satisfaction. now, my countrymen, hear me: behold, for i am chosen. i shall die that many may live. i shall lay down my life for family and fellows. i shall go to my grave for the love of our king and his wise policy. and my name is -- the name is: princess elspeth ulfilas, filia regis. now be it known throughout the kingdom, that the princess, having been chosen by a deed of fortune and destiny -- no fire, i beg you. i declare these proceedings duly ordained. all hail casiodorus rex -- dragon slayer! hail and praise be!