enough! that's fine. don't bother. not necessary. tell me: the landslide -- it was accomplished this same way? i see. and having rendered such unique service to our kingdom, what would you claim as a reward? did you ever hear of king gaiseric? of course not, you weren't even born. he was my brother, a great king and a valiant man-at-arms. when he ascended to the throne, the dragon was unbridled. no one knew where it might strike next. so he brought forth his broadsword and his spear, assembled a company of his best fighters and went out to do battle. he was never seen again. but his attack provoked the most terrible reprisals: whole villages incinerated, entire crops burned. death, famine, horrible. how did you arrogate to yourself the role of savior? not by me. did you ever consider the consequences of failure? then the beast is dead? we shall see. that's enough. let's not be greedy here. now then: i, casiodorus rex do hereby command thou base metal to change thy essence and become gold. not now. tyrian, remove all but one bar. we'll try it one at a time. nonsense. by the power of this amulet, justly wielded by my hand in accordance with the laws of urland, now lead be thou gold. i'm burned! what devilish thing is this? that'll be all, tyrian. you may withdraw. now, my dear, what's troubling you? your father loves you very much. who fills your head with such ideas? tyrian! tyrian! so much for your magic! so much for your sorcery! read the name. that's not the name. it's been misread. no, the good horsrik has misspoke himself. in fairness to this individual, whose name i can't make out, we'll destroy this tile. silence! we will have a new choosing. i will draw the name myself. the lottery is invalid. another and another. what treachery is this? don't go to all that trouble. stop! don't harm him. and you -- don't run away. please. i've always had the greatest admiration for the black arts. you chaps with your mysterious spells. i didn't think it would be necessary, you see. vermithrax is an old dragon. and that, i thought, was the beauty of my plan -- buying time. we'd wait her out. i'd live to see the end of her. that's still going to happen. he shall have it. it's my daughter. save her, i beg you.