welcome back, my son. some have. it's this monk. he can read and write, and talk too, i'm afraid. shh! they think this a holy place, a tabernacle. you were brave to go, you and your friends. but nobody cares. listen -- he knows what they want to hear. you brought this stranger? put that away. what if you were seen? no, you mustn't do that. it's too soon. we've got to think about this, we've got to make a plan. i know. what am i going to say to my friends who still mourn for their lost girls. the damnedest thing is, she was twice the man of anyone else in the village. now she's twice the woman. come now, greil. don't begrudge a life spared. you were there. you don't believe that superstitious christian rot, do you? but it's months til the solstice. i've never taken part in your cursed lottery, and i'll have nothing to do with it now. all right. i know what you want. how much? yes. even tyrian carries one of these. the best i ever made. don't do that! girl-child, when you were born i knew i had to do something, so i set about the task of fashioning an extraordinary weapon: i had the skill to make it -- -- but not the nerve to use it. oh, it'll bleed, all right. good and hot. an edge like no other on this earth. i'll say goodbye to valerian for you. i'm sorry she's not here, but you know how she is. fare thee well. she's right. what kind of a life could you have here? it's too late for me, but you're young enough. you know what i think? magic is dying out, fading from the world. but that makes me happy. that means the dragon will be dying too.