good morning, all. why, the road is yours. all the way to urland. it's a long journey, isn't it? but when you're in search of a sorcerer, i suppose no distance is too great. well, like my good friends here, i've come for a bit of black magic. no doubt you've heard of our troubles at home. this is cragganmore, is it not? and here we have the mystical presence himself, no? if he's ready to lay a dragon in its grave, he's got nothing to fear from me. i've no more love for that creature than you lot. nor has the king. but, before you stir things up, don't you think it a good idea to see you've got the right man for the job? i'm sure you don't. they never do tests -- and not many real deeds either. oh, conversation with your grandmother's shade in a darkened room, the odd love potion or two. but comes a doubter, well then, it's the wrong day, the planets are not aligned, the entrails aren't favorable, we don't do tests. who's that old man? that one. that's the man from cragganmore. now what's he doing here? what a pity. a celebration! don't stop on my account. you -- musicians, more music! a toast! to the deed of the day! you see, good news travels fast. the king himself has already heard it. and like yourselves, tonight he's overcome with joy. not a thing. it's this one. the king would meet our new benefactor and offer his gratitude to the man who succeeded where so many have failed. my young friend, i'd as soon dispatch you as i did the others, and for the same reason. but his majesty would like a cozy chat, and commands otherwise. well, well: still plenty of cheek under those skirts, it seems. thank you. you little meddler! it's alive! close the main gate! quick! there! stop him! get him! stab the horse! where is he? as the proud new father of an eligible daughter who was some-how overlooked all these years, it may interest you to know that the king has called for a new lottery. in view of what's happened, we all know what's required. you were very clever. but she'll take part, like all the rest. no exceptions. are you offering me a bribe? don't waste your time. you could never afford it. i think not! sire! i knew i'd find you here. well, i'm not as sentimental as some. the kingdom, every one of us, need this sacrifice. if you intend to interfere, you'll have to kill me. most impressive. can you use it? in a trice! this is no swords-man. you've failed, my friend, and i thank the gods for it. come out from behind that post.