i've just seen something. something of consequence to you. yes. my own death. perhaps we had better hasten your training. this wood, these leaves, the birds, the very dome of heaven, once they all rang with one great chord: and philosophers like me kept it all in tune. now, new voices are singing new songs. have you mastered the threefold transmutation? you have? it's very difficult. have you committed to memory undying the codex de profundis? it's long. and what about the ritual of banishment as prescribed by my late master balisarius? the point? the point is you don't know it, and you're no magician without it. it was my hope to school you, to mold your faculties and wits. i still believe you have some talent. somewhere. there's no time now. when i'm gone, half the powers in the universe will vanish with me. and what's the use of a few lingering skills if they're left in the hands of a child? listen! here, wear this. we have visitors! looks forbidding enough, don't you think? no -- they'll think me infirm. you know, balisarius wore this whenever he changed lead into gold. he could really do that, you know. i never could. too bad -- you'd stand to inherit some real wealth. you still wearing that amulet? good. don't lose it. it still belongs to me. now, adeptus minor, get yourself a handful of that sulphurous ash over there. nunc habeus lux! et calor! welcome to cragganmore. i am ulrich. which one of you calls himself valerian? i know why you're here. you're a delegation from urland, from beyond dalvatia. let's see the artifacts. all right. how did you come by these? what else? that's no claw. it's a tooth. by the gods! and you want me to do battle with that? did you try the meredydd sisters? what about rinbod? i've heard it said he killed a dragon once. it's a long way to urland. all women? silence! no. sorcerers and dragons go back a long long time together. if it weren't for sorcerers, there wouldn't be any dragons. all right. i'll go. i know of this dragon. vermithrax pejorative: she's four hundred years old. as far as i can tell she's the last of her kind. very appropriate that i'm the one to finish her off, don't you think? there. flatten the highest mountain. what say you, galen? speak up. you, hodge. while i'm gone see you keep your nose in your books and your hands out of my reagents. leave my instruments alone too. i'm not worried about the road. don't mock me. you're not ready. don't be so hasty. your time will come. say nothing. go to the conjuring room. the iron box. fetch me the dagger within. the dagger. be quick. you shall have your test. the very one. let it fall. vita regula, vita hieratica! go on. don't worry, you can't hurt me. not so loud. i'm not deaf, you know. sic redit magus ex terra mortis. glad to see you, too. you didn't bring along anything to eat, by any chance? no? oh well, no time anyway. come along. there's much to be done. it can wait. well said. now hurry. there is the sorcerer, leaning on galen, coolly regarding the creature. the old man's expression hardens. draco draconis. where's my amulet? give it to me, please. be quick! come close to me. don't be afraid. you have served me with great courage. now you must show me you have even more. you must destroy the amulet, and me along with it. you brought me from the flames, you must send me back. when the time comes, you'll understand. here. i know what you're thinking. you have learned much and done well. don't worry, you won't need it any more. nimbus! tempestas! fulmen! he resolutely waits as the dragon banks against the clouds and starts another pass. again, the sorcerer summons lightning bolts. but the dragon keeps coming; this time a talon splits the old man's cape. galen!