that would be me. we are here on behalf. a bone. scorched. a rock, fire- blackened. scales. i found them. at the mouth of the lair. a claw. who else can we turn to? we all know what we're dealing with here. this is a basilicok. a cockatrice. a dragon. this is no stag, no bear, no natural creature. this is one of your kind. and only a necromancer such as yourself can rid us of it. they're all dead. you're the only one left. every quarter, upon the solstices and the equinoxes there's a new victim. girls. virgins, to be exact, chosen by lot. are you afraid of dragons? tyrian!? we're not afraid of you. give us the road. we've got no doubts. we require no test. he's right. i brought us here for nothing. may the gods help whoever's daughter it is tonight. what do you want? he's dead. we've seen enough tests. what's come over you, anyway? have you lost your wits? you must be hungry. it's not just him. it's all of us. it's the equinox. you go ahead, i'll catch up. right. i'll be along. that's all right. don't come in. you better get back to the group, they're probably worried. i prefer to swim alone, if you don't mind. stay away. i suppose you'll tell everyone. go ahead, i don't care. it's a relief. i don't blame you. i was stupid. careless. a silly woman! you never knew a thing. no one knew. not since i was born. go on, run off and tell them. it'll make a great story. ask my father. that's right. unless you have plenty of gold or property. if you're rich enough, your name never goes in. my father is poor. so are a lot of fathers. come on. don't dawdle here. no. we're near the lair. keep moving. over there. doesn't matter. we're in no danger if we just pass through quickly. no! greil! malkin! help! no. one's enough. go ahead! you're going to die! what a fine trick that will be! she trots across the square and enters a deserted blacksmith shop. father? hello? father, what are you doing? have you all lost your minds? and they listen? this is the granary. what kind of welcome is this? i've got news of the sorcerer and news of the dragon. ulrich's apprentice. he's a braggart, but it doesn't matter. your god had nothing to do with it. i'm going to be seen. i want to be seen. tonight the world finds out that you never had a son. father: the danger is over. you'll say you did what you had to. this is a time for celebration -- and forgiveness. i think it was much easier being a boy. don't go, galen. cast a spell and turn them into toads. it should be easy; that's what they are. where have you been? doesn't matter -- listen: quick! make it rain. that'll put the fire out. then get the animals back. they're all running loose. there's people been hurt. stop their pain. you can cure them. and we'll need food. what? why not? but you're a sorcerer. it can't be! you're sorry?! listen to that! the damn thing is loose, we're all on fire and you're sorry! you didn't have the faintest idea what you were doing, did you? you're a fool -- and i'm a bigger one for bringing you here. i don't want you in this house. get out. not here. i can't help you. you too? not sharp enough for what? nothing's that sharp. it's beautiful. i'm thankful for that. no man should choose a senseless death. if it's me you're worried about, don't. so my name has been entered, what of it? there are hundreds of girls. my name just won't be drawn. i know it won't. i don't care. it doesn't matter. what you want to kill isn't flesh and blood. how do you know? no one's so much as even scratched it. look at her. the princess. there's no mistake! the name's been chosen -- let it stand! no! what better name than your own kin? at last we see justice done! galen. here. it's a shield. i made it. might keep the fire off you. might not. you know, you're an idiot. you're going to die tonight. you'll be ripped limb from limb. this is the last time i'll ever speak to you. another thing. that thing isn't alone up there. there's little ones. young, i think. i don't know how many. you're in love, aren't you? that's all right. i understand. she's very beautiful, very brave. your princess. but i don't care. it doesn't change the way i feel. listen to me, galen bradwardyn, sorcerer's apprentice; you're going to be dead, the dragon will be worse than ever, there will be more lotteries, and i'm not a boy any more. because i'm still a virgin, and i want you to do something about it. you know what we have to do. we have to leave urland. not because of what happened. i brought you here -- it didn't work -- now i'm taking you away. do you understand? you said you loved me. is it true? if it is, it's the only good we've done. let's not lose that too. galen? what's that? how's your leg? at least you killed it. you got all the young. don't think about it. you had your fight, and you're still here. that's more than anyone else can say. let's think about what lies ahead. what are you doing? galen, what are you saying? who did? what happened? where are you going? galen, stop! please, i beg you! stop! i won't let you kill yourself. no! all right, all right. you're going in there, i'm going too. i'm not afraid. and you're not going to stop me. after all -- i've been a man longer than you have. what's that? galen? galen? where are you? time seems to have come to a stop. overhead, the moon is locked in front of the sun. at the lair, valerian stands frozen as the dragon leans over her. the great head sways from side to side. the jaws hinge open. suddenly, valerian recovers herself and makes a run for it, leaping and scrabbling over the rocks. a plume of flame licks at her heels. she sees a protective crevice and heads for it, but a winged claw drops to block her way. she changes direction and is cut off again. cat and mouse. galen! here. do as he said. smash it. you heard what he said. you want to rest? you miss ulricn. and the amulet. not me. i'm glad it's gone. i'm glad you did what you did. you may not be a sorcerer, galen, but i love you anyway. i don't regret anything that happened. i just wish -- -- that we had a horse. what is this? did you!? wait a minute. i just wished for a horse and here it is.