okay ladies, listen up. i'm colleen douglas and this raving beauty on my right -- correction. this spunky monkey on my right is terry macey. and we are your minnesota american teen princess state board. that's right. mm-hm. i can sum up our entire philosophy with this glass. i look at it and say, "it's half full." which, in the beauty pageant biz means, "where the hell's my waiter!" well, you're gonna have to do somethin' with those nerves before nationals. thirty-million people aren't gonna wait while you run to the john. people, people - wait, wait a minute, here. uh, while we haven't ruled out sabotage from neighboring state pageants - iowa, wisconsin, north dakota. dakota. that bitch from. wisconsin. the bitch. and, on behalf of the minnesota modeling academy, we proudly present amber atkins. your new minnesota american teen princess.