nope. never judged nothin' afore -- shut up, hank. this here's business. well, mom's dead, so shut your fly trap. don't make me kick-ya where the good lord split-ya. oh you betcha! we're happier than the day hanky got acquitted. i get made a judge, then the furniture store hires us to paint the whole damn thing. we're gonna use the money to get our mamma a proper headstone. oh, and move her out to the cemetery. uh, "if you could be any tree in the woods, what kinda tree would you be?" "who would you pick to be president, dead or alive?" close up shop. close up shop, hank. close up shop! you amber atkins? "name and spell all the united states in alphabetical order." ah-yep. uh-okay, then. wait a second. come on! hankey here can't help it if he was born crazier than a shithouse rat! real nice. you know the sitter's dead. let's get this straight right now. we wouldn't have been late at all if it wasn't for you. you get nothing, hank, okay? there's your paint can. the next time you drink window cleaner, i'm just gonna leave it in ya.