sorry. what's sick is women dressin' like men! a.k.a. minneapolis - st. paul. nothin' too showy! gladys -- gladys! look out! that's why we lutherans use grape koolaid for the blood of christ. oh, there's a parking space over there. oh, no, that's just a compact. sorry. it's a two-hundred dollar fine! all right, let's go. oh! what is it? it's always hard to see the young ones called home, especially on an exploding thresher. it's just so odd and gross. yeah. all right. okay. the judges interview. okay, everybody, listen up! coupla things. gladys wants to be sure we go in show order today. all right? so very important. don't forget that. okay, okay! listen-up. coupla notes from last night's dress rehearsal. number one, gladys says a coupla yous are gettin' sexy with your hips durin' the "physical fitness" routine. uh, amber? we're not puttin' on our talent costumes. you need to put on your "physical fitness" outfit. and let's shake a leg, ladies. girls! girls! y'know, i-i don't think yous boys should, uh, should be in here while the girls are changin'. we all do. now let's go. all right, why don't we take up the stepladders, all right? for the physical fitness number? well, hold kem away from you so it doesn't get on the outfits. what kinda mental retard paints step ladders the morning of a pageant. "i'd like to take you back seventeen years, when a peanut farmer was in the white house, a group-a boys callin' themselves kqueen' topped the record charts and gladys leeman was gladys wood and she was mount rose american teen princess!" amber, i'm sorry. i really am. but you know the rules. all talent costumes hafta be okay'd by gladys before the pageant. sorry. i-i don't make the rules. amber atkins! that is not american teen princess language! where do they get this stuff. c'mon, lisa. you're up next. it's time, ladies. uh, gladys? we need more bars! enid ate a whole pan! as, uh, actin' president of the mount rose civil servettes, it's my duty since becky can't fulfill her duties - kcause she's dead-n-all - to make you mount rose american teen princess.