you betcha. s'posed to be colder-n- a witches tit tonight. hey, ya like it? open it. yah-the globe. pull at the equator there. fits three full-size booze bottles. the cassette deck pulls outta afghanistan, there. oh, all right how soon they forget where all this comes from. that's enough, young lady. yah-she's damn near as good as that little black fella - with the glass eye. yeah, yeah, the jew. hey tim, carla - if yous kids don't try to jew me down none, i'll throw in a matchin' hutch. ahhh. beautiful as a whore's ass today. eh, boys? yah-gladys had me order that swan special made from mexico in case becky won. i do a lotta business with those people. i always offer to pay kem in tacos. whoo, they love that. gladys! stop it! so help me, gladys. that's enough!