why? well, uh, it's kind of like askin', "why do all the guys chew copenhagen?" you know? i mean, if you're seventeen and you're not a total fry, it's just what you do. i'm gonna sing and dance to, "new york, new york." see, i fell in love with the big apple last summer when i was visitin' my brother. he followed his dream to new york. ow! oh, god. it's so em-so embarrassing. you guys know the retard's pants are open? i don't want to see that. oh-yah, i love to swim. when i was in new york, i met greg louganis at one-a my brothers' shows. living in a country where lady liberty keeps her flame burning bright. hey, my hands are stuck. listen, you guys, don't go int the bathroom. tess blew chunks all over. man, she ate a big dinner. oh, amber. i can't believe this is happenin'. i can't believe she said you couldn't. my jacket. take it kcause, y'know, i got my costume okay'd before the pageant. you can wear it. shut up, yous guys. look, amber, i'm not gonna win. and let's be honest, a family only needs one "liza" and you know peter's got much better legs than me. oh c'mon, i love kem, but you know they only had me kcause peter needed a kidney. then do it for peter. mrs. leeman used to call him a "skinny little fag" when he'd bag her groceries. he'd pop his nancy-belt if his old jacket somehow, i don't know, got her back. oh-you-beccha. i quit. and, uh, since my costume, y'know, was okay'd a month ago? i'm givin' it to amber. no, it was worth it. amber shoulda won. well, y'know what, dad? y'know what? peter's gay!