what do you mean, they take out her butt? are we on "cops" again? hi. oh, naw. hi. i tell annette, i says, "you talk to me durin' my stories, you might as well be talkin' to the wall." you guys want a beer? say, yous boys been to the leeman's? y'know, if you have, you got all the pictures of the winner you need. oh, christ, it's true. let's just say who should win, who deserves to win is amber. she's the prettiest, y'know. the best damn tapper. the most smartest. well, excuse me, annette, but i'm braggin' up your kid, here. amber's gonna be the next diane sawyer, y'know. all right, they're makin' a movie. i got a hairdo. why do i think becky'll win? you're talkin'. don't pinch!. you're talkin' kbout the richest family in a small town. it's front page news when one of kem takes a shit. can one of yous boys give me a ride home? so? be real easy. anyone? no, she's just screamin' "mom, mom!" kcause she's got tourettes. she's annette's kid, dipshit. she's alive, sweetie. she's right over there. don't let that worry you, annette! annette, why don't you just see if there's any beer left in that can and relax a bit. you're what?! i heard you, i was just tryin' to scare you into changin' your mind. oh for chrissakes, amber, the woman clung to your tap shoes while flyin' through the air like a goddamn lawn dart! d'ya think a nice cool mint'd help if i shoved your head up your ass? simple. just say, "mom, i know you sacrificed everything - relationships, dreams - your tummy, ass and thighs - all to bring me into this world. all so i could have tap lessons and be in the pageant - the same one you were in. but, y'know what? i'm quittin'." there. easy as pie. yeah, you betcha. hell-no, she ain't quittin'. "once a carnie, always a carnie." that was your mom. she wanted you to have this. you-betcha. oh, shut up. i thought it might help you get some sleep. well god-love-ya for thinkin' i still could. go hank! she had a big ass then, she's got a big ass now. okay. take her purse. thank god for bunge cords. what is wrong with you? you stop right there. you are a good person. good things happen to good people. no. it's pure bullshit, sweetie. you're lucky as hell, so you might as well enjoy it. let's get you a root beer float. do you guys want some shots? i'm buyin'. this came for you, sweetie. what? for chrissakes, spit it out. right by the airport - oh, amber. all right, say "airport ho-jo." i got it! yeah, why don't ya take a i'm sorry. they're just starin'. okay, sweetie, that's all right. let's go. let's go. so. you're cute. oh, i see you're married. you catch this in your mouth, i'll give you a present. all right? open wide. oh, god, you got that on the first try. come here. our baby's going to nationals! lincoln, alabama - look out! annette, just use your hand.