you have to be extra careful about any influences, oom ben. even their churches are breeding grounds for all sorts of evil ideas. nee dankie. ben hands the glass to viviers. god created the whole human race so that they could occupy the entire earth. he decreed how long each nation should flourish, and what the boundaries of each territory should be. our task is to preserve that creative diversity. behind him, in his deacon's black tails, ben listens with clasped hands. on the opposite side, another man is lis- tening, standing in the love of his family, cloete. brothers and sisters, like our forebears, the voortrekkers, who trekked into the wilderness preserve the afrikanere way of life given to them by god. today, we also live in times of great danger. let not fear overcome you! cling to the ways of justice and truth preserved by our leaders. so shall god be honored. so shall the afrikaner people flourish. everything was examined in depth in court. was it really facts, ben? just then the african "herdboy" walks up to them taking off his lattered greasy hat. ja? what is it tom? later, tom. i bought a bull last week. no one but god can see what's in our hearts. isn't it presumptuous to pretend we can speak for someone else? wait a minute, instead of criticizing blindly, don't you think we have reason to be proud of the judiciary we have? suppose this had been russia; what do you think would have happened then? one can gain the world and still lose one's soul. tea must be ready. bester and ben walk towards the house still in conversation.