roast beef, i hope it's like your mother's. she insisted we start early. where is ben? have you put on weight, susan? how are you, ben? i'm getting tired of the trek to cape town and then back to pretoria. if i had my way, parliament and government would be in the same city. there's nothing wrong with pretoria. that's for holidays. anyway, ben, one of the reasons for this visit was that i wanted to have a discussion with you. it's that photograph in the papers. ben, a thing like that could be an embarrassment for someone who is a member of parliament. it's a grievous day when one's family's behavior comes between him and his duty to the fatherland. i've been doing that all my life, be they black or white. but no member of our family has been seen with a kaffir woman before, ben. what about him? i thought the case was closed. oh, really? you're jumping to conclusions, ben. all right, ben, i'm listening. perhaps i can use my influence. but you'll have to convince me first. what's this about special branch? i'm sorry, ben, i'd rather not have anything to do with this sort of thing. if the special branch are involved they must have good reasons. ben, how could you side with the enemies of your people? it's you, ben, who talk about injustice? a man who teaches history at school? did you forget what our people have suffered under the english oppressors? now that we have at along last come to power in our own land. don't you realize what the government is doing for the blacks? it's a slow process, ben. one of these days the whole bloody lot of them will be free and independent in their own parts of the land, the bantoustans -- what can be more just than that? but they're not ready yet. we have nothing to be ashamed of before the eyes of the world, my boy. don't underestimate us, ben. our power of survival. we are afrikaners! you know, johan, when i was a boy in the karoo, we used to fry ostrich eggs. you know how big they are? who's this kaffir, ben? a kaffir calling me a boer? nothing has changed in this house. mother, let's go! he strides into the dining room. let's leave this house. i've been sworn at by a kaffir and ben protects him.