i'll make more inquiries -- john vorster square -- the special branch -- but i don't hold out much hope. okay, stanley. it's stupid, but one is forced to do these things. he walks up to ben and offers him his hand. i'm julius nqakula. i'm banned and also under house arrest. that's why i have this ridiculous garb on. may i have a glance at them? emily produces the notes. julius takes them. he starts reading the toilet paper, which is harder to read. when did you get the letters? you mean dr. hassiem. how are you going to do that? you know of course that he is detained. with luck. why don't you leave it to stanley and i? what do you say, stanley? please call me julius. where do i start? don't forget my restrictions. we know each other. he's a good lawyer for this kind of case. of course i'll do what i can. my commitment forces me. how are you planning to safeguard the documents? stanley told me you have already had a said by the s.b. and on the morning of the autopsy, as i was cleaning the mortuary, captain stolz gave me a bundle of ngubene's and ordered me to burn them.