and when was this? ngubene -- jonathan ngubene. i'll get on to them straight away. not at all -- i think better this time of morning -- after lunch, man, i'm a zombie. sure -- let you know straight away -- love to, susan. cheers! freda! open an account. du toit. benjamin du toit. subject. jonathan ngubene. freda -- i said no calls. oh. right. put them through. hallo! yes! how are you?. that is correct. very well. thank you for finally letting us know. he replaces the receiver. looks at it for a long second . before lifting his eyes to the client. sorry. he dials a number. i'm sorry. they have just officially informed me. the boy was never in detention. he died . the day of the riots and as nobody came to claim the corpse he was buried a month ago. a friday night, man! i'm no doctor, i'm not on standby all the bloody time. can't they wait 'til monday? do you mean julius nqakula? too bad, he's a good lawyer. why are you getting so involved, ben? he's very good. his cross- examination has got them rattled. that's what stolz is saying to him right now in his torture room. cut to: the problem is laying our hands on them. the family can file a civil claim. to put it briefly, it means we have to have witnesses, affidavits and any information relating to the arrest and death of gordon. we also need similar information on jonathan. you see ben, for example, stolz figures in both cases. that's one link at least.