i protest, your worship. thank you, your worship. i'd like to call captain stolz. there's a buzz from the spectators as captain stolz walks up to the witness stand. he's given a bible. you're a police officer stationed at john vorster square? you arrested gordon ngubene. could you describe what happened? was the deceased ever assaulted to your knowledge? no, your worship. it can't be disclosed in court without damaging our investigation, but i would like to offer into evidence a suicide note written by the deceased. louw, taking it from his file on the table. stanley and margaret listening. 'dear captain. i prefer to die rather than betray any more of my friends. amandla! gordon ngubene.' he hands it to the court clerk. there's uproar at this. thank you, your worship. those documents cannot be introduced as evidence, your worship, in view of the fact that state security is involved. i protest. if it please your worship. this unwarranted slur on the integrity of the special branch is unacceptable. and based, i may say, on allegations which are in any case irrelevant to the present inquest. the real facts are being presented -- as the following affadivits prove. they are all by detainees -- who testify that they had all seen the deceased intermittently from the time of his detention -- to the time of his death -- and on all occasions he was in good health. no thank you, your worship. your worship -- the other three signatories cannot appear for reasons of state security. he sits down, bland, examining his papers. you made that up. say you made it up.