advocate de villiers, will you refrain from insinuations? advocate louw? is the statement in evidence? advocate de villiers? i agree. advocate louw? you may, captain, and thank you. i think this's a good moment to adjourn -- we'll reconvene at two thirty. advocte louw? will you take the woman out? we shall adjourn until tomorrow morning. i'll hear the arguments and give the verdict. i wish to thank both advocates for conducting this case without rancour and in the best traditions of the south african legal profession. i have listened to all the evidence and the arguments. to begin with i have to say that there was no conclusive evidence offered to prove beyond doubt that members of the security police had been guilty of assault or any irregular conduct on the deceased. there were indications that ngubene was aggressive and on more than one occasion had to be restrained with force. there was sufficient evidence to conclude that death had been caused by a trauma following pressure applied to the neck, consistent with hanging. consequently, i find that gordon ngubene committed suicide by hanging himself and that on available evidence his death cannot be attributed to any act or omission or amounting to a criminal offense on the part of any person.