before i conclude, i have to say we are tired of making this journey every day, sometimes twice in one day, burying our children, and those, like our departed brother, ngubene who were merely seeking the truth; and those who have been denounced by traitors amongst us; and those who have been brutally killed for no reason, yes i shall say it, by the police. let those who rule this land of ours listen to the word of god; let them listen to our peaceful and just demands; let them be humble and go down on their knees and seek forgiveness, then listen to god. the crowd roars: "amanda! amanda!" the priest starts a short hymn and the crowd joins in. we will have a few words from mr. pilani our father and leader. the crowd starts singing a freedom song with arms raised. the funeral has now become a political demonstration. you have to understand what's happening to our children today, they're like wasps when you burn their nest. you mean well, sir, but it's better to forgive. if we keep the pain alive then hate and bitterness will remain with us. the air can only be cleared if we forget about yesterday's thunder. those people who did it are sinful people who don't know what they're doing. we must help them. that's the only way. they need our help, not hate, but love. i pity them and i ask the lord to help me so i can learn to love them. aren't you afraid sis emily?