ben! ben! mrs. coetzee. she looked worried. so you said you'd have a word with him? ben! trouble? he probably deserved it. isn't that tragic? jonathan was such a nice boy. even played with my johan when they were small, god. you said he was very bright at school. chris helps himself to more. suzette looks at the paper. this bloody bruwer woman reports one hundred shot, but the radio said only twenty and the police were attacked first. you for a start. come on! help me clear these dishes. as johan stands, to clear the table. he turns to his father with a smile, and shrugs -- an irritated suzette joins them. coffee! come on, johan. time for bed. johan pulls back from his father's arms. i'm proud of you, ben. what you've done for that family. but darling, you shouldn't take these things to heart so much. what more can you do about it? come, come to bed. her housecoat has fallen open. he lifts his face to hers and kisses her. champion of political detainees! come in. who are you? what do you want? cut to: more coffee, anyone? and a hard worker too. why didn't you tell me you'd been down to john vorster square? i'm your wife, damn it! upset me? it upsets me when you share your bloody secrets with a child! johan is embarrassed. ben glances at him. johan shrugs and shakes his head "not me." ben planes on. ben! ben! look at me for god sakes! johan uit met jou! johan leaves. we have a good life. we may not have everything we might have had if. ben, what's happening? sometimes it seems to me i don't know you. he's the gardener for god's sake, not one of the family. ben. we're growing old. _______________________________ oh, bloody hell! ben, you're not a doctor. his death was announced officially. they wouldn't say anything unless they were certain of their facts. you mean the indian doctor who's been arrested? ben, i'm sorry about gordon's death, but please for all our sakes, forget about this whole thing. let's get back to a normal life. please, ben, i'm frightened. the poverty, ja. ben, i know your anxiety about the inquest. all will be cleared up, in a legal way, and you'll be back to your normal self. now let's turn off the lights. susan kisses ben tenderly. did you enjoy the 'bobotie?' when i heard the verdict on the news i knew you'd be upset. i wanted to make you something special. i'm glad it's all over. you take things to heart too much. ben comes and stands behind susan -- looking at her through the mirror. now come on, ben. gordon's death upset me, too. but the magistrate had all the facts. he must know what he's doing, he's had years of experience. the case has run its course, and nobody can do anything more about it! it's all over and done with. i'm damned well sure! it's over, ben! you better get that into your head. ben just stares at her with seething anger. she stands up and starts being hysterical. a teacher, always a bloody teacher. you never moved yourself for us. but for the blacks, oh yes. whose side are you on, ben? and i'm sick and tired of those natives coming here. why don't you bloody well go and live in soweto? now where are you going? not enough, johan, to throw myself into the garden boy's arms. i'm afraid i don't understand. my father's an m.p.! warn who? papa! he is aged about 70 years, thick set. she rushes to him and he hugs her tightly and practically lifts her off the floor. she kisses him. where's mama? mama! the perfume and a new hairstyle. i expected you a little later. please don't say that, papa. ben walks in. i'll prepare some tea. i baked a cake. she goes to the kitchen. ben, it's johan. you'd better come. he won't tell me why it happened ben holds his son's arms, gently. you see! it's gone too far, ben. you've got to stop it. call the police, ben, call the police! johan's voice comes from his room. my god. they were trying to kill us. she's seated at the kitchen table. ben has poured her a brandy which she cups in her hands. oh, is that all. what the hell more do you want to happen. we're ordinary people for god's sake -- and you've pitched us into this -- this nightmare. i can't take any more, ben. i can't take any more!! please, ben, stop. just stop. please. ben, please stop whilst there's time. please, ben. whatever the price you pay for it?