well, this kind of journalism doesn't help the situation. look at her face? what does she look like? i thought the idea was to give them their own areas, banstustans. let them live with their own kind. no chance of conflict then. everybody's happy. pardon? what extra-mural interest? is that right, papa? our gordon? my god. what on earth for? susan leaves the kitchen without a word, with the dessert plates on the tray to the dining room. it must be a mistake, papa. went down where? you old devil you. does ma know? be careful. i don't want my favorite papa in trouble, gordon or no gordon. anything else, papa? now, papa, this is going too far! how could you? you didn't stop to think of the family. poor mother, how can she face anyone? and tomorrow is sunday! you listen, papa, just tell me, why? what's distorted about it? your face is practically touching that meid's face, like you were about to kiss her. today the whole country has seen that photograph. we, your children, are going to suffer. at this very moment chris is negotiating with the provincial council. would you like to see them cancel it? you have no feeling, papa! do you remember the turkey i had for easter? you said it was as big as a baby ostrich, papa. chris! better. she's waiting for you to ask her to come home. papa, i don't want to interfere. i know this is going to sound strange coming from me. i mean i haven't exactly been supportive for the past months. i can't say i agree with what you've done but i respect you for what you are. on johan listening. i'm just. destroyed by what's happening to us as a family. please, papa, for mom's sake. for all of our sakes. let's try and patch it up. let me know if there's anything i can do to help. i don't want to worry about you. that search, this vandalism, those shots. they're really after the evidence you've been accumulating . can i look after them for you, papa? where on earth do you keep them? on johan looking at suzette then at ben with concern. okay, papa. no, thanks. without taking his eyes off her, he takes a brown envelope from a chair and pushes it slowly towards the uncomfor- table suzette. she picks up the envelope. i have to go, papa. i was on my way to your office, colonel. here it is, colonel. i must hurry, colonel. goodbye. she drives off. cut to: