come in, mr. du toit, come in. how do you do? they shake. he's a large, friendly man, ruddy face, gray crew cut. i used to watch you play for the transvaal. you were one of the great wing forwards. come in. captain stolz, mr. du toit. do sit down. all right now, gordon ngubene. i'm always grateful for that. like what? and you feel you know him enough to vouch for him. ha! you'd be surprised how many honest, decent, church-going men we come across during a working day. it's routine, mr. du toit -- a routine enquiry. cleaning up these townships we must leave no stone unturned. not an easy task either -- the press screaming blue murder -- especially the english. and they'll be the first to squeal if the reds took over, make no mistake. rushing back overseas clutching their bloody british passports. have you any idea what will happen here if we don't follow every lead? we have a duty -- obligation. you have your job -- we have ours. we are indeed, mr. du toit -- we are indeed. though there's many who might need persuading as to that fact. then. authority. mr. du toit. while you're here, would you mind if i asked you a few questions about ngubene? good! shall we start with his son? the eldest. what do you know about gordon's activities since jonathan's death? did gordon ever discuss the death with you? but he accepted the truth? would have? you mean he didn't? was he angry? rebellious? you have a son, mr. du toit? the colonel looks up at him. the first sign of steel in his eyes. then back to the papers. does he burn and destroy -- everything he can lay his hands on?. no -- and neither does mine. that's what i can't understand. after everything the government does for them. think about it, mr. du toit. we're for you, not against you. i'm sorry, mr. du toit. i'm sorry. it's force of habit. once a policeman, always a policeman, eh? more laughter -- ben joins in. viljoen stands, signalling an end to the meeting. as soon as we're satisfied he's innocent, he will be released. we know what we're doing, mr. du toit. you want your wife and that boy of yours to sleep safe tonight, don't you? fire away! no problem! thank you for your help. will you find your way out? good! and give my regards to your father-in-law -- tell him we'll have a drink sometime -- maybe go to a game. is the little bird singing yet? good. now you must be exaggerating, mr. du toit. mr. du toit, if shots were fired into your premises, we will investigate. now wait, wait a minute, mr. du toit, you're not trying to blame me? is that what you are doing? well, now. if you possess any information that may be of use to us, i trust you won't hesitate to discuss it with me. he leans forward towards ben, his tone darkening. because if there are facts you are deliberately hiding from us, mr. du toit -- if you give us reason to believe that you may be involved in activities that may be dangerous to both yourself and us -- then i can foresee some problems. let's call it a warning. a friendly warning. for god's sake, open your eyes, mr. du toit! don't you see you're being used! i see you got the goodies. thank you. this country needs more people like you. now let's see what we've got. cut to: the bastard! cut to: