"p-e-a-n-u-t-s" how'm i doing, boss? he's working very hard - i got him a job driving firefly's car - he's-a driving him crazy and i'm driving him nuts - p-e-a-n-u-t-s all right - no, but my dog he's a got millions of them -- he used to be a bloodhound but he's anemic -- he's half poodle and half watch dog - yeh, he's only got one eye. i don't call him, i whistle. yankee poodle. i don't want him. he only weighs ten ounces -- hello!. yes. yes. he's not in. that was for you. oh no, i can't do it. sure. how much does the job pay? sure, if there's a chance for advancement. 'at's-a no good. i went to niagara falls once. no, but i shot some ducks. oh, no -- nothing doing. i had a brother who was a vice-president once and that's the last we ever heard of him. hello. yes. no, not yet. all right. goodbye. that was for you again. he wants you to call him up as soon as you get back. what other job you got? that's no good. i like to work on the outside. i must have something easy. i don't wanna work at all. i don't wanna stick out my tongue. look, i'm a very nervous man. i gotta have a job where i come to work at eleven -- go to lunch at twelve -- and quit at one. and twice a year i gotta have a six month vacation. 'at's-a fine. what do i get? i don't want to buy ammunition -- we no gotta war. sure, that's easy. you gotta insult somebody. that's a-no good. you gotta insult somebody from another country. look -- i come from one country. you come from another country. i say something you don't like. you say something i don't like - and i'm insulted. you was insulted, but you don't know it. that's a-no good. if i apologize we no got a war. look -- i send you a scrap of paper. you send me a scrap of paper -- and we have a scrap. he's-a very easy to insult -- i say something to his niece once, and he slapped my face. she did. you told it to me. i think we oughtta have a standing army, so we can save money on chairs. you look pretty good to me - but very still need a spy - have you got any credentials? you got credentials all right. this is fine. put it back. i think i better take another look at that paper. i look this over later -- now i look you over. if you want to be a spy, you gotta be in good condition. i better examine you. there's something wrong -- i think i'm getting whiteman's band. according to my watch it's four o'clock. now look -- a woman spy is a-gotta make love to men. come on -- let's see you make love. now you feel my pulse. send in the next girl. sure, we gotta have a spy. if we no got a spy who's gonna tell the other side what we're doing? have you got any credentials? we've gotta have somebody who knows how to get secrets from men. you know how to make love? that's very funny. he certainly fooled me. he'll make a good spy. say, that's a nice collection. you oughta have a catalogue. say, she's all right. you got-a her phone number? that's a funny one! i think we can use you. here's a spy glass. go ahead and do some spying. he's going to make a good spy. that's not bad for the first day. i don't know about us, but i know he's-a got something. that's all right. we're not enjoying ourselves anyway. come on -- never mind his excellency -- you gotta your pocketbook? i wanna powder my nose. he's-a not missing anything. he's in the dressing room with vera trentino. he could be playing solitaire, but i don't think so. what's the matter with you? i no gotta new-rosis. my uncle he's- a got a flower shop -- he's-a gotta new-rosis. he no got it --- this is-a fine - you do a good job - you make-a no trouble and you waste- a no time. come on, we take-a the plans to the ambassador. you gotta the address? you no gotta no gun. it's not-a your fault. it's-a his fault -- i fix it for you to getta the plans -- you getta the plans -- then you losa- a the plans -- now we no gotta the plans of war. it's all your fault. now we gotta steal the plans again -- you had 'em on you. you take a bath. and now we no gotta plans of war. you wait here -- i'll let you in. all right -- i'll meet you behind the drapes. come on, we gotta no time for that. wait a minute. we make too much noise. turn on the radio so they can't hear what we're doing. what's-a matter, you crazy. ? come on, we gotta finish the job. hello -- police department. ? that fellow's crazy. we're in the house already. you'll never find us, you gotta the wrong address. we're at 235 poloma drive. not 232. look, it's a white house with a shingle roof -- shingle -- shingle -- shingle bells, shingle bells, shingle all the way. that's it, you got it. hurry up, if no get-a here soon, we can't wait. hey, skippy. hey, you never get the safe open that way. we gotta try the combination. you gotta the combination? light it. now we blow him up. wait a minute. we gotta fix it so it don't make-a so much noise. what-a we do? that's fine. now, nobody hear the noise. i can't do it. yes, but i'm not working for you any more. i'm on the other side. well, we gotta one hundred thousand men. that's all right. we let you have twenty-five thousand men -- and we both start even. no. seventy-five -- seventy-five. we gotta two battalions and one frenchman. i've gotta five thousand men but no horses. that's all right -- our men can ride your horses. oh, sure. we have horse maneuvers every morning. that's-a pretty good. i'll take a dozen of them. yes, one gross of bullets, two dozen hand-grenades, three kegs of powder -- and throw in some matches. fine. we gotta him. sure. all right -- i'll go out and find one. that's easy, i'll get him for you wholesale. i can't do it right away. i got a date with a general's wife. not unless you find it out. look! that's-a firefly's headquarters. we catch him right now. hey, she wants some salt.