mrs. teasdale. my niece, vera. what is money? mrs. teasdale, for you -- i would do anything. mrs. teasdale -- no matter who rules freedonia, to me you will always be the first lady of the land. with mrs. teasdale as my wife and freedonia under my control -- that's where you come in. i'll leave him in your hands, and don't forget you're supposed to be my niece. isn't it about time for the ceremony to begin, mrs. teasdale? i do hope his excellency won't be late. but it's two minutes of ten now. thanks. but i can't stay very long. i bring you the greetings of my president and the good will of my people. twenty million dollars is a considerable sum. i'll have to discuss that with my minister of finance. $50? your excellency, haven't we met before? excellency, may i present my niece. you don't understand. this is my niece vera. gentlemen, while i admit it is unusual for a representative of one country to advise the legislative body of another, i assure you that i have the interest of freedonia at heart gentlemen, i cannot wait much longer. your excellency - are we or are we not going to discuss this problem - my time is valuable - i'm a man of few words - fine - keep on yelling - do everything you can to disturb firefly - now what about your cousin? but would further cement the relations of our countries. oh. then there his somebody else? gloria -- i've waited for years. i won't be put off! i love you! i want you! can't you see that i'm at your feet? can't we go some place where we can be alone? this has gone far enough! this interruption is humiliating, to say the least. i didn't come here to be insulted. you swine! you worm! you upstart! i shall report this indignity the my president. mrs. teasdale, i feel this regrettable occurrence will plunge our countries into war. my dear niece -- i must ask you not to interfere. war is not a woman's problem. very well then, if that's how you feel about it -- my country has spoken. yes. bah!! this is all firefly's fault -- that idiot, that fool. fine nothing! i didn't want war. my plan was to marry mrs. teasdale and overthrow firefly. mrs. teasdale. i deeply regret the unfortunate affair with his excellency, but his attitude left me no alternative. mrs. teasdale, i'm willing to pocket my pride and do anything i can to make up with his excellency. for you, i would do anything. perhaps he will listen to you. i'm sorry we lost our tempers. i'm willing to forget if you are. i am willing to apologize. i'm willing to do anything to prevent this war. what i called you. why, what did i call you? oh -- you mean. worm? was it -- swine? oh yes! -- upstart! why - er - mrs. teasdale - this is an outrage! this man is impossible. my course is clear. this means war. you runt! wait a minute. mrs. teasdale is in the box below. the plans of war are in her purse -- you've got to get them -- i don't care how, but get them -- and when you do, bring them to 492 north myrtle road -- you'd better write that down. there's only one thing to do. we must capture firefly. ask for volunteers. some one must make the sacrifice -- someone -- here comes chicolini. maybe he'll do it. unless we can make firefly our prisoner, we're lost. chicolini, you've come just in time. we need a man who's fearless, brave. a man who's willing to die, if necessary. firefly must be captured at any cost. it must be done right away.