mrs. teasdale, my uncle's hopeless -- you've been the only topic of conversation ever since we left amnesia. so that's the one you want to marry. maybe it's not going to be so easy. from what i've heard, mrs. teasdale is rather sweet on this rufus t. firefly. your excellency, please don't think me silly, but i'd love to have a picture of you. i want to hang it in my bedroom. uncle, you can't do this! it is every woman's problem. who supplies the sons? -- the brothers? -- the husbands? who. carry out this tragic folly if you will -- but i for one will not be a part of it. i will stay here in freedonia. i thought everything was working out fine. maybe you can still win the old dame over -- why not try to -- maybe the war can still be averted. if only we can get his excellency to listen to reason. oh, your excellency, isn't there something i can do? oh, this is dreadful! if you'll excuse me i'll go to my room. i shall dance for you tonight as i've never danced before. are you getting tired? are you sure you're not tired? i'm sorry boys -- i did my best -- it's all my fault. psst. in the safe -- behind the drapes -- no, no -- i mean the plans are in the safe.