the mutt cutts van is going down the highway while danny wilson's "mary's prayer" plays on the soundtrack. the van drives past and we hold on a sign that reads: "you are leaving the black cadillac pulls over to the side of the road. joe mental gets out of the car and props the hood open. he takes out his gun, slides in a new clip, and puts it back in his pocket. joe mental squints down the road, sees the mutt cutts van approaching, and starts waving his hands to flag them down. as an angry mental watches them disappear down the road, shay sits up in the front seat. the mutt cutt van is on the road again, cruising along. harry is walking down the highway, his thumb stuck out unenthusiastically. a few cars whiz by, the cold wind whipping at his clothes. harry and lloyd are swerving through traffic in the hearse. ahead of them is a real funeral procession. the lead car is a cadillac. while the couple argues on, harry and lloyd cut in front of them. the man and the woman on't notice this an soon the as the hearse drives down the road, we hear v.o.: