actually, it makes a great deal of sense, mary. we should have called in the authorities the moment we knew melvin had been kidnapped. no, nicholas, it's imperative that we carry on as usual. mary? you awake? i brought you some tea. i thought it might help you relax. uh, sorry. that one's mine. feeling any better, honey? bullshit. you can't blame yourself for this. if you'd been there they would've taken you, too. now mary, everything that can be done is being done. you've got to stop torturing yourself. that's exactly what you should do. get the hell out more, go skiing, socialize. don't you see, honey? we can't let on that anything is wrong. if the press or authorities get wind of this, the kidnappers might panic. who knows what they'd do to poor melvin then? mary, i don't believe i've met your friend. i saw you come in earlier, mr. dunne. i was hoping we'd get a chance to meet. that tuxedo i love a man with a sense of humor. so does mary. well you are, aren't you? poor girl doesn't get out enough. so what do you say, harry? are you available?