irulan. a third stage guild navigator will be here within minutes! i shall want telepathy during his visit and a report when we're finished. yes? he will not permit anyone but me to see him. you must be outside this room. do what you can. leave us. we are alone. yes?. how was your journey? oh yes? is there a problem?. usually there is a problem when one of you makes a visit. yes. the atreides house is building a secret army!. using a technique unknown to us. a technique involving sound. the duke is becoming more popular in the landsraad. he could threaten me. i have ordered house atreides to occupy arrakis to mine the spice. thus replacing their enemies the harkonnens. house atreides will not refuse because of the tremendous power they think they will gain. then, at an appointed time baron harkonnen will return to arrakis and launch a sneak attack on house atreides. i have promised the baron five legions of my sardaukar terror troops. yes. can you hear me?. if this visit has anything to do with spice. i can assure you. you mean, of course, duke leto atreides. his father. what do you mean one last. but he was said to. who is this paula atreides to the guild? and why? i want fifty legions of sardaukar on arrakis at once. this is genocide. the deliberate and systematic destruction of all life on arrakis. bring in that floating fat man. the baron. why have you brought me here? ah? but your lack of action demanded it. your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgement in assigning to rabban -- -- the governorship. you forced me to come here and set things straight. personally. silence!. i do not court your brother's pleasure. paul's sister. paul is muad'dib?! impossible! release the sardaukar. baron. give this little abomination to the storm. how dare you speak to me. if feyd wishes, he can meet you with my blade in his hand. i sit on the throne!!