so, this is leto the just. play out your little comedy while you can off-worlders. i prefer the more ancient term, planetologist. noble born. i am a servant of the his majesty the emperor. i have served his majesty on arrakis long enough for my eyes to change. they are fremen suits. i hope they fit well, my lord. the mahdi will greet you with holy words and your gifts will be a blessing. most of the desert natives here are a superstitious lot. they mean no harm. with your permission, i will check the security of your suits. basically. it's a high-efficiency filter and heat exchange system. perspiration passes through the first layer and is gathered in the second. the salt is separated. breathing and walking provide the pumping action. the reclaimed water circulates to catchpockets from which you can drink through this tube at your neck. urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads. should you be in the open desert, remember to breathe in through your mouth, out through the nose tubes. with a fremen suit in good working order, one can sustain life for weeks, even in the deep desert. with your permission. you've worn a stillsuit before? your suit is fitted desert fashion. who told you how to do that? that it is. he shall know your ways as if born to them. southeast over the shield wall. that's where i told your sandmaster to concentrate his harvesting. where there is spice and spice mining there are always worms. always. to protect their territory. vibrations attract them. as i said. they defend the spice sands. as to their relationship with the spice. who knows. that's it. spice mining. no other cloud quite like it. see the spotters over it? they're watching for wormsign. the telltale sand waves. seismic probes on the surface, too sire. worms can travel too deep for their waves to show. looks like a good patch of spice. yes!. worm. big one! you've got sharp eyes sire. may i? calling harvester pad nine. wormsign! unlisted flight northeast of you. wormsign on intercept course. estimated contact fifteen minutes. the carryall will come and lift off the spice harvester. try and get in close over the harvester. you'll find this interesting sire. they'll work until the very last minute. i can't see him yet but he's very close. here he is. we've got to go. bless the maker and his water. bless the coming and going of him. may his passage cleanse the world. nothing. you are about to witness something few have seen -- watch! watch! this duke is more concerned over his men than the spice! i must admit. against all better judgement. i like this duke.