we have just folded space from ix. many machines on ix. new machines. better than those on richesse. you are transparent. i see many things. i see plans within plans. the answer is within the problem. i see two great houses -- house atreides, house harkonnen -- feuding. i see you behind it. you must share with us. so the harkonnens will rid you of house atreides. reverend mother. i will give you the tleilaxu path. listen to me!! the spice must flow. the spice has given me accelerated evolution for four thousand years. it has enabled you to live two hundred years. the spice helps make the sapho juice, which gives the red-lipped mentats the ability to be living computers. the secret side of spice. the water of life. gives the bene gesserit sisterhood the metaphysical ability to see beyond. to have superior powers. our power to fold space is in the spice. without us, your empire would be lost on isolated scattered planets. you would be lost. do not interrupt!!! do not speak lightly of the spice. one small point. we ourselves. foresee a slight problem within house atreides. paul. paul atreides.