the duke walks down the steps to a very narrow passageway. the passageway becomes very dark. atreides guard #1 comes running down the steps and up to the captain and a technician. fremen carry the fremen reverend mother ramallo in on a litter. the old reverend mother is old a frail yet extremely beautiful and mysterious. she turns to paul and jessica with a strange look. stilgar and paul return to the ledge above the hall of rites. a monk priest steps forward, addresses the crowd, silencing them. the other monks move back carrying their smoking cleansing bags. we see jessica sitting, shoulders tight and spasming -- straining, her eyelids half-closed and flickering. the old reverend mother slowly extends a hand toward jessica's shoulder. the old reverend mother ramallo slumps forward onto the stone, dead. the crowd waits. the corpse is tenderly removed. jessica very slowly opens her eyes and looks about her. the monk holds the jug to her lips. paul continues to stare at chani. he moves to her. chani turns. paul is at her side. their eyes meet and lock. the rock ledge of sietch tabr is filled with fedaykin and monks; chani, jessica, gurney and stilgar stand together near the back. paul moves out on the rock ledge overlooking the hall of rites which is crowded with fremen warriors who chant "maud'dib" along with the powerful sounds of the wind organ and fremen war drums.