here we are now. nineteen light years beyond. beyond epsilon alangue. is arrakis. it does look dry. where are the harkonnens from here? there!. geidi prime and the baron harkonnen. the enemy. i know, thufir, i'm sitting with my back to the door. i heard you, dr. yueh and gurney coming down the hall. i'd know the difference. my father sent you to test me. music then? shield practice? gurney. we had practice -- this morning. i'm not in the mood. i'm sorry gurney. what's gotten into gurney? he's not faking. paul presses forward and the fight moves quickly around the room. the smell of ozone grows stronger as the shields hit and spark off one another. paul directs a parry downwards, turns, and leads gurney against the table, plunging at just the right moment to pin gurney against the table top with his blade right at gurney's neck. is this what you seek? would you really have drawn my blood? things have been so serious here lately. dr. yueh, do you have any information on the worms of arrakis? only?! the storms and the worms. is it true, that the sand can blow at seven hundred kilometers per hour? well, how do the fremen survive there? the eyes -- yes, yes. saturation of the blood by the spice -- melange. could the spice affect us in other ways? the harkonnens are our enemies, yes. but behind them, i suspect, is the emperor. i know. but if it is a trap then why are we going? the bull that killed my grandfather. is this an evil omen? duncan! why? i wish you were coming with us. may the hand of god be with us all, duncan. father. i want you to be proud of me. arrakis. dune. desert planet. arrakis. desert planet. moving. moving. arrakis. dune. desert planet. arrakis. dune. desert planet. moving. moving. kwisatz haderach?. for the father. nothing? what does she fear? what about my father? she's using the voice. no. what's in the box? the voice again. are you suggesting a duke's son is an animal? it burns. i must not fear. fear is the mind-killer. fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. the pain! i see the truth of it. i know it. not all of them. i know which ones will. what is it? where? i have heard of it. did they try and fail? i've heard enough of my safety. what about my father?. i heard you talking. you speak as if he was dead. well, he isn't! well he isn't. and he won't die. tell me he won't die! mother! tell me! far off in the control rooms. travelling without moving. spice. terrible purpose. what is it? a fremen. could she be the operator? no. a traitor. there is a traitor among us. are you a fremen? he's hiding something. "your gift is a blessing of the river." no. no one. it. seemed the proper way. will we see a worm? always? why do they come? i've registered him now. a knife is a sheath on his left arm. he's strong. a person born to command. he's hiding many things. is there a relationship between the worms and the spice? spice!. pure un-refined spice! liet? father!. father. drugged. duncan!! duncan!! don't touch my mother. remove her gag! i know i have no feelings!! why? i can't maintain any altitude. we'll never reach the safety of rock. maybe that small rock. the south polar regions. the forbidden area. we must make it to that rock. hurry! hurry -- this crashing may bring a worm. where are my feelings. i feel for no one. the second moon. from the dreams. house atreides is ruined. this moon holds my past. this moon holds my future. i am only a seed. listen to me!. you wanted to know about my dreams. and i've just had a waking dream. do you know why?. the spice! it's in everything here. the air, the soil, the food. it's like the truthsayer drug. it's a poison!!!! you knew the spice would change me. but thanks to your teachings it's changed my consciousness. i can see it. i can see it. you carry my unborn sister in your womb! you and your bene gesserit sisterhood. i'm not your kwisatz haderach. i'm something different, something unexpected! i'm a seed. i am so much more. you don't begin to know me. father. now i have become a killer and i will continue to kill until i have avenged your death. father! yueh's left the plans for the weirding modules. we have to get to that mountain of rock. we have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives. it's further than i thought. a worm is sure to come. i'll plant a thumper, that should divert it. remember. walk without rhythm and we won't attract a worm. it'll go to the thumper. keep going. faster!! run! drum sand! cinnamon. the spice! do you smell it? i know the secret. the worm is the spice. the spice is the worm. a thumper. someone started another thumper. we're not alone. yes. from my dream. so beautiful. liet. is this kynes' daughter? what do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon? could i be known as paul muad'dib? wind traps. huge ones. water on arrakis!!! i have seen this place in a dream. a treasure. i am only a seed. i am usul. paul muad'dib. no one ever dreamed there would be so many. our shared enemy the harkonnens, are once again in control of arrakis. stilgar, your leader, has asked me and my mother to crush the harkonnens. we must do more than this. we must totally destroy all spice production on arrakis. the guild and the entire universe depends on spice. the weirding way has long been a bene gesserit secret. with my mother's help, my father isolated an element of the weirding way and externalised it. because of the harkonnen treachery, my father's armies were never able to fully develop this new form. this is what i will teach you. you will be the fiercest and most feared fighters in the universe. move back! chuksa! this is part of the weirding way that we will teach you. some thoughts have a certain sound. that being the equivalent to a form. through sound and motion you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs. we will kill until no harkonnen breathes arrakeen air. to avenge my father, i will turn you into killing machines. the most lethal poison in the universe. did they try and fail? what if she should fail? she did it! chani. i love you. i've always loved you. activate your weirding modules. set the range for two meters. korba. the arm. motion. chuuk-sa. stilgar. my own name is a killing word. will it be a healing word as well? now! when the spice flow stops, the entire universe will turn to arrakis. the baron and the emperor himself will be forced to deal with us. only the very strong ones travel this deep. a sandrider!. long live the fighters! we surprised a band of smugglers. gurney!. you've no need of your weapons with me gurney halleck. don't you trust your own eyes. hurry! all i see is darkness. now. the test of the water of life. what is it that waits for me in this darkness? father!. father! the sleeper has arrakis. dune. desert planet. your time has come. father. our time has come. a storm is coming -- our storm. and when it comes it will shake the universe. emperor. we come for you. long live the fighters! gurney, when the storm hits. set off the atomics. i want an opening through the entire shield wall. stilgar? do we have wormsign? alia keeps pace with the storm. gurney, now! gurney. i see thufir hawat among the captives. let him stand free. let him stand free! a knife. in payment of the many years of service to my family, you may know ask of me anything you wish. anything at all. do you need my life, old friend? it is yours. i mean this, thufir. if you are to strike, do it now. carry this noble atreides warrior away. do him all honor. emperor shadam the iv. there are guild heighliners above us containing many great houses of the lansraad. send them back! good. you have some idea of what i would do but i will tell it to one who has never been seen. one who hides deep in the heighliner control rooms. he will hear it first. where are you. let me see you or there will be no spice. you know what i'm about to say is true. i have the power to destroy the spice forever. don't try your powers on me. try looking into that place where you dare not look. you'll find me there staring back at you!! you bene gesserit have waited ninety generations to produce the one person your schemes required. here i stand. but. i will never be yours. you saw a part of what the race needs in the beginning. in time you perverted the truth. you sought to control human breeding and intermix a select few according to a selfish master plan. how little you understand. silence! i remember your gom jabbar, now you remember mine. i can kill with a word. there is a harkonnen among you. give the harkonnen a blade and let him stand forth. the emperor's blade. now, i will tell you how it will be. irulan shall be my wife, opening the way for an atreides to take the throne. you will sit on a throne on selusa secundus, your prison planet. either that or you will die. the princess shall have no more of me than my name. no child of mine or touch the softness of glance. nor instant of desire. this is my promise to you. . my love. the fremen have the word of muad'dib. they will have their holy war to cleanse the universe. they will have arrakis. dune. their planet. there will be flowing water here open to the sky and rich green oases. for the spice there will always be some desert. there will be fierce winds and trials to toughen men. we fremen have a saying. "god created arrakis to train the faithful." one cannot go against the word of god.