those sounds could be imitated. yes. perhaps he would at that. many dangers exist on arrakis. for one, we know the harkonnens would not have given up their choam company contract so easily. you will make a formidable duke! now remember. the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence. we have our new army. dr. yueh, put the weirding module on him. clear and lock the room. activate a fighter. why isn't the shield up yet? we found these sabotage devices too easily. set up a sonar probe immediately! sector 6 - 80 -- copy the sixth -- the summit -- the eight the quadrant over the ninth plus eighty -- four circles -- weave the eighty and call the fourth copy -- enter nine -- seven by seven a seven the seven call seven b seven -- enter the circles call the sixth copy the sixth over the summit. eight. eight. thufir hawat. mentat. master of assassins. the palace is now secure. the city of arrakeen is under martial law. we have troops here headquartered underground on sub-floors six through ten. the rest of the troops are stationed in arrakeen and we have some on the airfield. our new army is still training, but everything is shielded. with the shielding, we are impenetrable. dr. kynes is waiting, sire, for your inspection of spice mining operations, but since the attempt of the young master, i am against your leaving the palace. my dear duke. how i have failed you. three. generations. of you.